
How peace became my purpose

It's been 8 years since it all started. Since I threw myself into the world of Energy Healing, Chakras, Quantum Physics and never looked back. I have become an Reiki Master Teacher, An integrative nutrition health coach, a mentor, teacher and facilitator to many people, holding a space for them to heal.

I have had my heartbroken, had another child, been diagnosed with a chronic illness, had both my children put into care, survived a pandemic and still have an open heart to explore all the beauty that life has to offer.

Lately I have been thinking about what truly matters to me, what lights me up on a soul level and how I want to show up in life especially in my work.

I guess what I really look for is my life and how I measure my success is how peaceful I feel, how soothed my nervous system is and how quickly I can walk away from the things that don’t align with my peaceful state.

Although I have never officially had an ADHD diagnosis I have always suspected that I just saw life very differently, whilst my younger years I was constantly craving dopamine and not always healthy habits, I take pleasure in a trip to the gym, a stroll on the way to the coffee shop to get my favourite coffee, planning a trip with my children. I take life a lot slower, I savour the small simple pleasures, I take my time rather than rush into everything, I have developed more patience. I am healthier, happier but I am not as wealthy as I used to be. But with peace , you don’t have to be.

You see I measure my success on how much quality time and magical moments I share with my children. How much deep rest I get, how many belly laughs I can have.

I have worked with many wealthy people and I have seen and known first hand how chasing the paper and constantly on the hustle can do to us. Especially burnout in which I see so many people experience, especially women and even more so ADHD women.

If we could measure our success on how much peace, how much time and how much joy we had would we really be successful?

I also appreciate how different we all are. That we all have different life goals. But take a moment to pause and think about your life, your creation.

Did you smile?

Are you proud?

How do you feel in your body?

Often enough we can deny our role in how our life is being played out, we are unware of how our thoughts and feelings contribute to the actions we take or don’t take. We are powerful beings, we are the creators of our reality. And if we don’t like something we can change direction, we can become someone new, we can start again.

I decided to leave a peaceful life, away from the should do's and have to's, away from the pressure of societal norms. I decided to create my own peace of Heaven on Earth.

Keep checking in on what feels good and what doesn’t and this is how you can create your own bliss too.

I am delighted to announce the launch of London Soul Retreat, a space to come and escape the matrix. A place where you can put your soul on the agenda. Follow on Instagram or sign up for my newsletter for more info

If you are looking for a way to improve your health and general wellbeing book a free consultation. Quantum Health is my signature program where I coach you to optimal health.

Book a free consultation now

Sending you Love + Light and infinite wisdom

Are my Chakras blocked?

Did you know, that at every moment of every day even as you read these words there’s an energetic current flowing through you?

An energy so powerful that it influences every aspect of your human experience.

From your desires, your emotions, your strengths and your weaknesses.

This flow of energy circulates through you —starting from your tailbone, and ending at the crown of your head — forming seven distinct “wheels” of swirling energy known as the 7 chakras/ And each chakra governs a key aspect of your life.

Problem is, most people live their entire lives never realizing just how much influence their chakras have on elevating (or diminishing) everything from their abundance, their love lives, their own sense of personal power, their relationships, and even their intuition.

But when your chakras are allowed to flow freely, creating your ideal life becomes as effortless as breathing.

Question right now is…

Are Your Chakras Open or Are They Blocked?”

But most importantly, do you know how to influence your chakras at will?

Imagine it you had the ability to tap into the power of your chakras at any given moment to elevate a key area of your life instantly. Looking to get that next promotion or raise in your career?

Unblock your 1st chakra.

How about heating up your sex life so you can experience toe-curling orgasms?

Just work on your 2nd chakra.

Need to boost your self-esteem and strengthen your self-worth?

The solution lies in your 3rd chakra.

Maybe you’re preparing to make a speech or a presentation, and want to project unshakable confidence when you speak? Easy.

Just allow your 5th chakra to flow freely.

This is the essence of the ancient science of the chakras. And as a leading chakra expert, I will help you discover proven exercises and techniques to allow you to effortlessly balance the flow of your chakras, overcome even your most stubborn personal barriers, and improve any area of your life you wish at will.

“Which Of Your Seven Chakras Needs The Most Attention Right Now?”

Each of your chakras has its own unique “personality”, each controlling a specific aspect of your life. So if you’re experiencing any form of physical or mental shortcomings, limitations or challenges in your life, there’s a high chance one of your chakras is weak or blocked.

But how do you tell which of your chakras are strong, and which need repairing?

Simple–take a good look at the circumstances in your life. Use the guide below and evaluate yourself:

Crown Chakra-Connection to the divine

Located at the crown of your head, it deals with your connection to the divine within you and all around you. Physically, it supports your central nervous system and deep brain functions. Your Crown Chakra may be weak if you: Feel disconnected to a higher power have feelings of loneliness and insignificance Are stuck in an unfulfilling and unrewarding career and have a strong attachment to possessions and relationships, and define yourself by what you have. You might experience frequent Migraines and tension headaches

Third Eye Chakra -Intuition, sense of purpose and direction in life

Located right in the center of your forehead and deals with intuition, your sense of purpose and direction in life. Physically, it supports your upper frontal sinuses, eyes, ears, and the outer layers of your brain. Your Third Eye Chakra may be weak if you: Feel lost when it comes to having a sense of purpose in life Are indecisive, uncommitted and unconfident of the decisions you make .Have an active imagination, but not in a good way as you spend much of your day in analytical mode Experience headaches and a feeling of tension in your brow area

Throat Chakra-Self-expression

Location right in the center of your throat. It deals with issues of honesty, integrity, truth, expression and communication. Physically, it supports your neck, jaw, teeth, gums, mouthm lower sinus, throat and thyroid gland.

Your Throat Chakra may be weak if you: Are often afraid to speak up and voice your opinions around others Settle with following other people’s opinions Are likely to be the “quiet one” in your professional and social circles Experience sore throats, swollen glands, sinus problems, disorders of the throat, mouth, teeth or gums

Heart Chakra- Love, relationships and self-acceptance

Located along your spine right in the center of your chest next to your physical heart. It deals with issues of love, compassion and belonging. Physically, it supports your heart, lungs, upper torso, shoulders, arms and hands.

Your Heart Chakra may be weak if you: Are guarded and closed and rarely allow yourself to open up to others Sabotage your relationships with distrust and anger

Are unable to let a situation rest because it didn’t go your way. You are clingy and needy in relationships and anxious that your partner doesn’t need you as much as you need them . You experience heart disorders, chest pain, asthma, allergies, circulation problems.

Solar Plexus Chakra -Personal power and ability to channel

Located along your spine it deals with issues of willpower, ambition, and action. Physically, it supports your liver, pancreas, gallbladder, stomach and spleen. Your Solar Plexus Chakra may be weak if you: See yourself as powerless and struggle with self-esteem issues. You have different ways of shaming yourself and feel embarrassed by what people think of you. Feel like a victim in the world, and often feel powerless to circumstances and other people’s desires.Suffer from frequent stomach pains and stomach anxiety

Sacral Chakra- Sexuality and pleasure

This is where we awaken our kundalini energy. Located in our hips, sacrum and genitals, it is where we experience the joys of intimacy, creativity, pleasure, our desires and sexuality.

Your Sacral Chakra may be weak if you: Struggle to see yourself as “sexy:, and sometimes wonder how anyone could desire you.

Find it difficult to open up in relationships

Have a tendency to end up in sexually incompatible relationships and find yourself wondering if you’ll ever find “the one”. Rarely have the time or desire to have sex

Root Chakra- Career, money mindset and sense of belonging.

Located at the very base of your spin, is the most common chakra to be weakened. It deals with physical survival, safety, security, fear and insecurity. Your Root Chakra may be weak if you: Feel a general lack of physical energy and vitality. Are stuck in an unfulfilling and unrewarding career Find that your well-being is highly dependent upon external circumstances Believe that money creates security Suffer from eating disorders, adrenal fatigue, foot and leg pains/injuries, rectal or colon problems, immune disorders or bone disorders

So now I really only have one question for you

Why wait for your life to be great?


The Heart Chakra and The Thymus

 As we grow older our thymus starts to slow down is it the fact we know we are aging that causes the Thymus to die off? Or is it that as we have grown old we have killed off our ability to stay youthful... aka Peter Pan let’s never grow up

As someone who practices Reiki, and teaches it globally through my online courses. This is one organ that takes a pounding throughout life.Having experienced trauma at a young age, and throughout my adult life. I had to parent my self and learn how to love myself fully to heal this chakra and build immunity in my body. When we carry the pain from our past it stops us from receiving all that life has to offer.

The Physical Thymus 

On a physical level, the higher Heart Chakra, also called the ascended heart chakra, is connected with an intriguing organ: the thymus gland. The latter forms part of our lymphatic system and sits wedged between the heart and the sternum. Its prominent job is to support our immune response by producing T-leukocytes.These white blood cells perform two major tasks. Firstly, they distinguish inoffensive body cells from intruding pathogens.

After Heartache + Financial loss, I was blaming myself and got frustrated with life. I had to learn to love myself again after heartache, after suffering loss, I was angry, confused, carrying grief. Holding it all together and still trying to help others heal too. I didn’t embrace the divine feminine, I stopped loving myself. Hoping for more but yet stagnant, paralysed even by the torment of thoughts, crippled to move forward I felt what is the point.

The journey to self love is just that, and I knew in my heart of hearts I had the power to heal so I set to work. The Thymus is responsible for fending of Pathogens and that’s exactly what had happened. Combined with healing my Sacral Chakra (I needed gut healing protocol) my body wasn’t absorbing nutrients, in fact I wasn’t in receiving mode. I also had to work on my Solar Plexus. Full alignment is necessary for healing, we need to come back to our true selves to facilitate.

The thymus is most active during childhood and adolescence, which is when it had supplies the young organism with the full repertoire of T-leukocytes it will need in life. The T-cells are then distributed throughout the lymphatic system, where they await their future use. Towards the end of puberty, the thymus reaches its maximum size and weight.

Typically during adulthood, it pares back its production of T-cells and goes into atrophy. After it stops working, usually around the age of fifty, we have to make do with whatever T-cells are still surviving in our body to combat illness. By the time we reach old age, the thymus gland has virtually disintegrated into the surrounding tissues. But there are many things we can do to keep this important organ active, we must continue to show up to our lives and love it all.

A balanced Heart Chakra is Heaven on Earth. It’s doing what you love, it’s choosing your life and not settling. It’s loving yourself holistically and it’s possible. You are possible!

External stressors such as malnutrition, psychological crises or sudden trauma can precipitate thymic involution, probably through the hormonal turmoil these situations provoke. I happened to have had a very stressful year before conceiving my daughter. I hadn’t been expressing myself, I had removed a coil I had in for several years. I wasn’t get the right nutrition and wasn’t sleeping well. My body was fighting to stay alive and I wasn’t living with an open heart.

Can we thrive by maintaining our Thymus?

The Energetic Thymus

Of course everything is energy and if we look at this organ from an holistic perspective, addressing who we are as mind, body and soul then we can take on board the biological interactions but understand that we must embody who we are fully for healing

The Heart Chakra has been referred as the seat of the soul. The Heart Chakra represents unconditional Divine Love. Unconditional love is free of ego, therefore a healthy higher heart facilitates spiritual growth and deep inner transformation.

Opening our thymus chakra enhances our willingness to forgive and to show compassion. Unlocking it corresponds to flinging open a window for your soul to work through in the material world. Often, people who get in touch with their ascended heart will desire to hand its gifts on to others because, as receptacles of divine love, they also feel it flowing from them like water from a spring.

In fact, the act of giving always originates in the heart. Our language demonstrates we know this intuitively, as phrases such as “I give this to you with all my heart” indicate. My healing has come leaps and bounds with having my second child. Because I have to give my love to her with no conditions and she only knows to receive it. Often we can close off our hearts to receive love because of past pain. We stay stuck in place of suffering from past wounds, we can give too much without filling up our own hearts.

Thus, healing work and other means of giving love are naturally pursued by those with an open ascended heart. Materially, we give with our hands, which are energetically associated with the heart. We use our hands to provide for our loved ones, craft presents for them, feed them, comfort and caress them.

Across different times and cultures, numerous methods of laying on of hands have been devised for healing, and the hand has been considered a symbol of divine protection and blessing. Our hands are our most used tool for spreading the many expressions of love coming through our hearts from the Source. Some say the thymus chakra responds especially well to sound therapy, given its proximity to the sternum, which acts as a sound board and amplifier of acoustic vibrations.


In our everyday lives we can connect to our heart, through sound through music, it reminds us of past love, events, memories and moments that have captured our soul.

Who has not noticed a certain piece of music touch their heart or influence their mood?

Both listening to and making music are cathartic to our emotional state. It awakens dormant feelings from hibernation, helping to process, to externalize and to clear them. Worldwide, medical facilities offer music therapy to make their patients get back in touch with themselves and open up to their surroundings through playful acoustic interaction.


So, for a thriving thymus chakra, listen to music, sing like nobody is hearing, dance like nobody is watching or play a musical instrument.

In Reiki treatments I hold space for healing, I use my life energy to restore depleted energy in my clients and restore vitality to each Chakra. It’s possible to dissolve blockages and become aligned once again with your true self.

The Physio-Energetic link

How do energy healing practices relate to the physical thymus? 

Will any of them preserve it from declining with age? 

Are we clinging and holding onto our youth, or willing to embrace aging as a gift. As I have gotten older I have welcomed the aging process rather than denied it. Often we can be in such conflict with self. We can keep all our organs in good health but practicing mindfulness, meditation, adequate exercise, enough sleep and oh course laugher darlings. It’s good for soul. It is important to remember that humanity´s longing for eternal life on earth is not always constructive, but can deviate into a desperate ego rampage.

Can exercises stop the thymus from aging?

The soul has other values and a broader perception than our incarnated self, so remaining eternally earthbound might not be what it needs or desires. I definitely feel I have learnt so much from my experience here on Earth, if one thing we can realise it’s all very temporary but we are eternal and infinite.

Our biology is constantly taking us closer to source, we will eventually fade away back to dust from which we came. The aging process is doing just that, but this doesn’t mean we have to stop working along the journey. Wear and tear is expected but the things that are built well, with strong foundations will last. This is how the Root Chakra and the Heart Chakra are connected. We get to live and love this life when we are taking care of ourselves, let source figure out the rest.


When we go within to heal ourselves we can accomplish inner peace this is more powerful than any chemical or surgical intervention ever could. Metaphorically, our thymus is teaching us that embracing impermanence is a vital part of growing and progressing through the cycles of our existence.

We grow with change, we must let go of the old and embrace the “new” every version of us is beautiful. The highest service we can render to ourselves is to take responsibility for our health on all levels. We can nourish and protect our physical bodies, we can have awareness of our emotional states, we can be the observer of our thoughts, we can be guided by our intuition.

We can’t live as if we were teenagers into our old age but we can gain wisdom and insight, we can be present and choose joy as a tool to powerfully create.

Heart Chakra Blockages and illnesses 

Congestive Heart Failure, Heart attackMitral valve prolapse , Chest pain , Arteriosclerosis, Peripheral Vascular insufficiency, Asthma, Shortness of breathe. Allergies, Lung Cancer, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Breast Cancer and breast disorders such as mastitis or cysts.Immune system deficiencies including HIV. Circulation problems, tension or pain between the shoulder blades. Shoulders,arms and hand issues. Such as carpal tunnel. Apnea, Thymus issues and anti social behaviour.

Emotional imbalances include issues of the heart; over-loving to the point of suffocation, jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness. Fear of loneliness.When this chakra is balanced we feel joy, gratitude, love and compassion, forgiveness flows freely, trust is gained.

The lesson of this chakra is I Love.
