Is procrastination stopping you from showing up?
Is social media getting in the way of your productivity?
Are you experiencing scattered thoughts and bursts of energy to do things but get into it then start something else? ( It happens )
I here you.. it only took me 2 weeks to write this post. You are not alone we all do it, tomorrowland is full of life’s empty promises….
In this blogpost I want to get into the heart of what’s happening. What’s stopping you, and my tips to get back on track in no time.
First of all people who procrastinate aren’t lazy, people who procrastinate usually have many things on their plate, it’s a matter of knowing what to do and when to do it and asking for help with the tasks that really don’t light you up. Don’t be hard on yourself, don’t judge yourself or others.
So what gets in the way?
Well... from my experience of what has worked and not worked for me and many of my clients. Creative minds are full of creative ideas. Sometimes even just knowing what to run with first helps. Prioritises tasks and getting started without even an idea of ending, sometimes and definitely speaking from experience “perfection” syndrome kicks in. Many ( including me ) blame timing, not feeling like it, not having everything they need... ( basically loads of excuses because the “ideal” situation isn’t happening) Maybe you will say now isn’t the time, but time is only an illusion it responds to us.
It’s saying well I can’t do it perfectly I am not going to do it at all. I can tell you I wasn’t a perfect writer when I first started writing, I am pretty good at re-writing and work on my writing at every opportunity. I am glad I started and I didn’t put off my writing because it brings me joy. If your highly skilled, but struggling with completely tasks it could be anxiety. I have noticed this in my own life, I had been worrying about so much if my work would be liked, if I would get enough clients, was I good enough really.
I know that even if you do procrastinate it’s not that you don’t care, you care deeply. As a Libra I can sit on the fence. I see this often with clients who really find it challenging coming to a decision. If you get caught up in overwhelm, if you tend to over function and your focus is more on others ( You can check out my Empath post here ) I covered a ton of info to keep you away from the things that drain you, this is also a huge contributor to why we procrastinate. We always need to be aware of our energy but will cover that in how to steps.
If you seem to chronically procrastinate or over think what you need to do, this can easily lead to bad feelings, guilt over doing nothing, and eventually you not starting a damn thing!
Overwhelm, over-giving and over-functioning can also lead to procrastination on things for yourself. We can easily internalise shame, which isn’t a bad thing if we aren’t constantly beating ourselves about the things we should or shouldn’t be doing. If you ever hear yourself talking trash about yourself, you better stop!
I want you to know, that you are enough, where you are is enough, what you have achieved so far in your life is enough. It’s a pretty long ride, if we pace ourselves and enjoy the journey. You have time, we have time. I have seen firsthand what burnout and overwhelm can do to a being. I know the pain and struggle this can bring. So let’s get to the steps you can you take to kick procrastination to the curb instead of kicking yourself for not getting things done?
Step #1
Recognise why you are procrastinating. Just by bringing awareness into it you can recognise why its happening. What happened as a child when you were younger, did you witness your parents procrastinate. We often model behaviour so it could be that if weren’t guided to follow through and encouraged to complete then this can have a big impact on how you behave today.
Step #2
Take Inventory
Where do you procrastinate the most?
What do you procrastinate when it comes to:
• Fitness/Health
• Friendships/Being Social
• Creative Projects
• Work
• Finances
• Love and Dating
• Home
Step #3
Create solutions around time management.
This really works for me.
Some ideas:
• Create a schedule with tasks and timeframes and schedule your least preferred tasks FIRST. This is the Eat the frog concept that if you can do the hardest task first then everything else is easy. Dislike working out. Do it first thing so it’s done.
• Technology is an incredible tool to help with task management. You can set up reminders to help you manage tasks. Yes technology can be a distraction so set up times you are allowed on social media. I have a limit of 2 hours per day.
• Time certain tasks. For instance if you have a big project you can set a certain amount of time each day to work on it. Takes away the overwhelm and is much doable. Progress is the process.
Step #4
Reward yourself. Celebrate your wins.
When you finally complete the tasks you been putting off it will feel AMAZING
I use visualisation techniques to focus on how I will feel. This works at any start of a workout, blogpost, podcast.. you get the picture.
Imagine how you FEEL when you have done. You will be so proud of yourself. You can give yourself a reward, but maybe hold back on the chocolate cake after the gym.
Intention is always everything. Being really clear about what you want will get you the results.
I have seen clients totally committed to transformation so they don’t miss a day ever on affirmations or writing a journal. These are the clients that get changes in their reality much quicker.
Changing the way you do the things and how you feel about doing things is everything. The possibility for your life is opened up. Be committed to change and be committed for you not anyone else. Most people recognise they are sabotaging their own potential to succeed.
Continue to be compassionate with yourself, Even if you doing small things but remaining consistent you will get results. This is where massive transformation happens.
You are creating magic wherever you go.
Don’t doubt it nor hide it. You have the power, always.
Big Love