Dear friends,
I am not going to lie aging can be scary and dangerous we all hear about the stories of our bodies deteriorating. But lucky for me I already recovered from a chronic illness and was confident I took take my health to another level. I knew hormones were connected to our metabolism. I wanted to feel I did in my 20's and 30's and I was now in my 40's. I knew with enough patience I could see what I could do
As you get older there is a decline in hormones…
Then slower metabolism…
Then age-related inflammation…
Then unexpected joint pain…
Then there's the wrinkles
I know personally it was the struggle everyday to find the motivation. Even the lack of libido and sex drive was lacking.No matter what I was doing I had serious uncomfortable, uncontrollable fat-storage. I am a health coach, I eat well, I manage mt sleep, I work out. I don't over endulge in processed food. I rarely drink. I have done gut testing. I understand the human body but I felt like a hypocrite and I knew I could look and feel better. So I went on a mission to understand at a deeper level how to hack my body at a cellular level to optimize my health and I knew this was hormone related.
The solution to all my belly fat struggles was lying dormant inside EVERY cell of my body—waiting to be "reawakened. And this is possible for you in your 40's, 50's and even 60's.
This is all to do with how your body functions at a cellular level. It increases your sexual desire, it breaks down and burns stubborn body fat, I also noticed a reduction in my cellulite, my skin was getting tighter and even I had less inflammation in my body. Which was measured through blood tests. I was sleeping more deeply. I was handling my stress and feeling way more calm than ever. My mood was elevated, my periods were better and overall I just felt like I had way more energy, the same kind of energy I did have in my 20's and 30's. The bonus is that this simple hack was actually reversing aging. I no longer even have to worry about age related issues. This has nothing to do with how much you eat or how much you exercise I know because I was doing that and so were all of my clients. This is a simple daily protocol which is going to awaken your cells to boost your metabolism and actually get the results you need and fast. I dropped at least 7lbs in the first 10 days.
Because if growing old catches you by surprise, like it did me, you don't have to beat yourself up anymore! You don't have to suffer through another bout of painful, boring exercise. You don't have to slave away in the kitchen cooking healthy meals. You don't have to give up your social life.Or sacrifice your favorite foods.And you don't have to resort to dangerous diet pills, expensive procedures, or deadly medications.
Instead all you have to do is turn on this ONE RECEPTOR hidden inside your cells. Not only that because my time is precious in fact it's one of my core values, I don't even exercise everyday because I am single mum of 2 and between the home and clients I just don't have the time. You can easily reset your hormones and it's easy, cost and time effective and you will get the results you want fast. I am sure like me you have tried every diet under the sun.
My Fitness Pal.
None of these things worked for me (or my clients) either. Sure, you might lose a few pounds when you first start but this is almost always very temporary. Because they don't focus on aging metabolism and some diets even damage your metabolism. It's not common knowledge these days, but if you have unexplained weight-gain if you're struggling to lose weight and nothing seems to be working.It always means it's a hormonal problem.
The truth is once people pass the age of 40, the hormones responsible for regulating your body weight steadily decline. Which means lower energy, unexplained fat-storage, lack of focus, and cravings for junk food…Unless we take proper action. Once we solely focus on hormones you are guaranteed to lose weight faster and maintain a healthy weight especially compared to those who crash diet.
This is the reason why you can't lose belly fat, and why it's not your fault this is happening.It's just your hormones that's all.Your primary care doctor won't even mention this imbalance, because they're taught to treat the symptom not the disease.
Even though it's the one and only thing that really matters.And dieting can really only make things worse in my opinion.When you cut out certain food groups, like carbs, it only suppresses hormones even causing more metabolic slowdown.There are two ground-breaking clinical trials below confirm exactly what causes severe weight-loss plateaus after 40. It's the same reason every person over 40 struggles with stubborn pockets of fat no matter how hard they diet or exercise.
The first study was published in the prestigious journal Obesity, and the second was from the New England Journal of Medicine. For any person 40 years old wondering why their body won't respond like it did in their 20s and 30. After just 8 weeks of completely ignoring dieting and exercise and just optimizing hormones instead.These same dieters also had a 34% decrease directly from their waistline.
The next study reveals the second (and even more problematic) hormonal challenge for people beyond 40. In fact, the low-carb dieters in one eye-opening peer-reviewed research paper still had inadequate weight-loss hormone levels over ONE year later.Remember when you were young and you could still stay thin no matter what you ate? Well, that's because your thyroid gland was functioning properly. But when we get older, you don't produce adequate thyroid hormone. So your body just "hangs on" to every ounce of fat. Of course, AGE is just part of the problem but today's most popular diets only make it worse in my opinion.
It's the Vicious Cycle of yo-yo dieting every adult beyond 40 experiences .You start a low-cal or low-carb diet and your Thyroid hormones plummet, your metabolism actually slows down then your body fuels weight "regain" This leads to what the New England Journal of Medicine calls:"Obesity Relapse"
You see, all the years of toxic buildup from the foods we eat. The water we drink and even the very air we breathe each day contribute to a slow-functioning thyroid.Hazardous substances like insecticides,2 PCBs,3 flame retardants, dioxin, BPA, phthalates, 4 cadmium, lead, and mercury
ALL of these are regularly found in the urine and blood of even the most fit and healthy people.MOST harmful toxins are structurally similar to thyroid hormones.
Every cell has a receptor for thyroid hormones, which is responsible for fueling your entire hormonal system.So when your thyroid gland is functioning optimally. You lose weight twice as fast, while feeling focused, energized, and pain-free.But when it's off, you'll feel beyond rotten.
The reason this happens is because it's your body's master fat burning gland
It performs 3 critical functions.
First: Thyroid hormones regulate your ability to control bodyweight
Second: Thyroid hormones increase the speed of your metabolism
Third: Thyroid hormones are responsible for rebalancing ALL other fat-burning hormones.
This means your insulin,cortisol,leptin,ghrelin even your growth hormone. These are all controlled and optimized by one thing your thyroid gland. By increasing thyroid hormone production automatically helps 'rebalances' all your weight-management hormones.
How your body and organs function at the cellular level.
How well you sleep
How much sexual desire you have.
How you metabolize and absorb the foods you eat.
How young you look and how fast your body ages.
How well your body can fight off diseases and viruses.
How you break down and burn stubborn body fat.
You could starve yourself and nibble on bibs of lettuce all day long or pound away on the treadmill, torturing yourself day after day.,
NONE of these things will do a thing to change how your body looks, until you "reawaken" your thyroid gland.So,unless you know how to activate the full, fat-burning potential of each cell inside your body, with adequate thyroid hormone production you'll continue to struggle with excess belly flab, inflammation, and chronic fatigue.
Now you can hopefully start to see what was happening inside my body that was stopping me from "releasing" all that stubborn belly fat.It's the same thing that is probably happening inside your body too.However, here's the great news if your thyroid homones are being produced at full capacity weight loss becomes virtually effortless
It doesn't matter if you have hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or if you're like most people you might be just dealing with age-related fat-storage (like I was). Or maybe you're taking thyroid medication it doesn't matter every person beyond age 40 can burn 10x more fat just by "turning on" the thyroid receptors inside each of their cells.Things like thyroid meds can artificially stimulate your thyroid but they're really just a band-aid covering up a bigger problem, they just treat the symptoms and not the root-cause, not to mention the unwanted side-effects such as racing heartbeat, shakiness, hunger, anxiety, sweating, thinning hair, and fatigue.So whether you're on thyroid medicine or not—it's irrelevant.
Now you guys know I am an integrated nutrition health coach. I completed my training in 2019. Prior to that I have been studying the mind, body connection and learning and teaching about the Chakra System. Also this is all very much connected, thyroid issues can also come from having a blockage in our Throat Chakras. I already knew a lot about the Thyroid but started to research more into what key nutrients could balance this gland.
And that's when I learnt about the key nutrients to add to my daily. After age 40, the thyroid receptors inside our cells are shut off. And how this special combination of nutrients will turn them back on. This is the "key" to unlocking all the fat trapped inside every cell of your body and finally get the flat belly, slim body, and fast metabolism you so deeply desire. And also this will be music to most of your ears of course don't overeat the bad stuff, like sugar, but stop worrying about how many calories you eat, and don't be afraid to eat carbs.
Now I've always been a science geek. I been biohacking my body for years, I know I look at least 5 years younger because of all the information I have learnt but this is where things got really interesting. I started to research what key ingredients to hack my hormones and burn fat.
The first nutrient I want to talk about is Iodine.
Iodine deficiency is surprisingly common and affects nearly a third of the world's population. Which means there's a very strong chance you're one of them.Unfortunately, today's toxic world has stripped our diets of nutrient dense food sources containing iodine.
In fact, over the last 40 years, average iodine levels in people's diets have declined by 50 per cent. Your body can't make thyroid hormones without Iodine. When there is insufficient (or no) iodine in the foods you ea. Your thyroid gland doesn't have the raw material it needs to do what it is designed to do.Since your body cannot make iodine on its own, the ONLY way to get the right amount is through outside sources.But if you provide your body with the adequate levels of iodine it needs it will improve your overall metabolic health in several different ways.
Converts thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) into its active, usable form to help regulate body weight and increase resting metabolic rate (RMR) a powerful antioxidant protection (as potent as vitamin C) responsible for preventing thinning hair and brittle nails and reduces thyroid gland inflammation.It's safe to say, Iodine is more than just essential in order for you to optimize your body's master fat-burning gland.It's pretty much mandatory.
The 2nd Thyroid Hormone Booster Is Called Selenium
Selenium and Iodine have a synergic relationship that makes this another "essential" nutrient for thyroid hormone production.It also helps the body produce the powerful antioxidant known as glutathione. This protects the thyroid gland from free radicals.This reduces inflammation and combats oxidative stress and most importantly Selenium Converts Your T4 Inactive Thyroid Hormones Into The T3 Active Form Your Body Can Readily Use.
This, in turn, allows this trace-mineral to "activate" your thyroid hormones so they can be used by all the cells of your body. As you can see Selenium is critical for thyroid health for a variety of evidence-based reasons.
Protecting your thyroid gland from toxins and inflammation. Guarding your cells from damage and infections and ultimately making sure your body can convert T4 into T3, arguably the most important part of thyroid gland health.
Top food sources of Selenium are Brazil Nuts ( just one a day and your hitting your RDA (recommended daily allowance) Tuna ( Yellowfin) Lean Pork Chops, Beef Skirt Steak, Lean Chicken Breast, Firm Tofu, Wholewheat Pasta, Shrimp, Shitake Mushrooms
The 3rd thyroid hormone booster is Zinc.
It's pretty common knowledge nowadays if you're over 40, there's a 95% chance you're deficient.The research also shows Zinc deficiencies are associated with DECREASED thyroid hormone levels and lower resting metabolic rate. However, participants in one study who took zinc for 12 months had T3 levels come into the normal range.What I never realized over the years is that Zinc helps thyroid hormones to regulate your metabolism. It achieves this goal by signaling the thyroid gland to release thyroid hormones.Further accelerating your body's ability to burn resistant body fat.
Top food sources of Zinc are Oysters, Beef, Chicken Leg, Firm Tofu, Lean Pork Chops,
Hemp Seeds, Lentils, Low Fat Yoghurt, Oatmeal, Shitake Mushrooms
Although these first three ingredients are extremely powerful, there's two things that can potentially blunt their effect. Stress and depression, how many times have you sabotaged your diet because you're stressed out or depressed? Stress and depression are two hidden causes of thyroid inflammation.So if you don't manage your stress levels properly or decrease your symptoms for depression. Your thyroid gland can take a serious hit.
That's where the fourth powerhouse nutrient, ashwagandha, comes in. Ashwagandha is an incredibly healthy medicinal herb that's classified as an "adaptogen". This simply means it will help you manage your mood and stress levels. Leading to a healthier master fat-burning gland. Also Ashwagandha has been shown to increase circulating levels of T3 and T4 thyroid hormones. I use this supplement and it’s been definitely keeping my active life balanced.
The next rarely-talked-about thyroid booster is Bladderwrack…This nutrient is one of the world's highest iodine containing sea vegetables. It has such a high bioavailability.Bladderwrack effectively delivers thyroid hormones to every one of your cells. I have been using this supplement for a couple years now. But remember you don’t want to overdo it. Too much of a good thing is also a bad thing. It would be wise to check on your thyroid and monitor your iodine levels.
The last nutrient is a neurotransmitter called, L-Tyrosine.While we already know iodine is essential for a healthy thyroid it cannot create thyroid hormones without the help of its fat-fighting friend, L-tyrosine.This amino-acid helps the body produce the three most important thyroid hormones: T3, T4, and T2.
This is precisely why the latest research studies show a strong link between insufficient L-tyrosine levels and low amounts of thyroid hormones. Simply put, if you don't have enough L-tyrosine inside your body. Your thyroid can't make the hormones your body needs in order to burn fat for fuel. All these nutrients on their own are extremely effective.But when you combine them all. It creates a "synergistic" effect that will dramatically boost your thyroid hormones.
I tend to get all my nutrients from food and this is easy because I am not Vegan or Vegetarian I get a good mix from plants and animal products. Vegans and Vegetarians will benefit from supplementing and in most cases it's absolutely necessary.
Top sources of Tyrosine in food are Beef ( Skirt Steak) Lean Pork Chops, Fish (Salmon) Lean Chicken Breast, Firm Tofu, Milk, Low Fat Ricotta Cheese, Large White Beans, Squash Pumpkin Seeds, Wild Rice.
Now I have been trying this protocol for a while now combined with a parasite protocol because I know parasites feed on Zinc and also steal all your nutrients. To be honest, I think doing a Parasite Cleanse is in everyone's best interest. What's been happening to my stomach and waistline has blown my mind, my stomach looks like I am in my 20's I am 41 and have two children, to be honest I didn’t think I could look or feel so good. I do cardio/weight sessions 3x a week. I eat well but I don't really restrict, if I want the croissant I will eat the croissant. I don't count calories, I still drink alcohol but week after week I am getting tighter and my stomach is getting more flat. I am beyond excited for the possibility long term, not to mention I feel amazing with the same level of energy I had on my 20's plus an extremely healthy libido.
If you're in your 40s, 50s or 60s wondering why your body won't respond like it did when you were younger. It can do the exact same thing for you too. All I did was take a few seconds each day to use this blend of thyroid-hormone-boosting nutrients before my first or second meal each day.That's the only change I made and it's been phenomenonal.
If you're over 40 years old, I want you to think back through all the years you've been on this planet. All the stress, toxins,processed food and things like alcohol. Plus the body lotions, shampoos, soaps, shaving creams, deodorants, Even the air we breathe,and the water we drink. All these daily conveniences contain hundreds of hidden toxins that are routinely found in our blood and urine and they're all inside your body right now, causing inflammation of your thyroid gland.In other words if you have a pulse, if you breathe and eat, and if you're over 40 years old your thyroid gland has been compromised.So, if you ever want to get the firm, flat belly you've always desired.
If you want to wake up in the morning bursting with energy, ready to leap out of bed like a kid on Christmas morning. If you want to look in the mirror every day and be proud of what you see.If you want your friends and family to be shocked and "in-awe" of how thin you've become.If you want to restore your confidence and self-esteem back to the days of your youth.If you want to eliminate the worry or need for expensive doctor visits and dangerous medications.If you want to button up those skinny jeans without having to suck in that belly. Now I had to search high and low through dozens of medical literature and of course we take into consideration I am a health coach, a Reiki Master who understand what the Thyroid needs from a Metaphysical perspective. it's actually easy when you understand everything from all angles. You see the Throat Chakra is all about openess and fluidity and self expression is how we communicate our needs to the world. A healthy metabolism keeps us moving through life. It's key to our longevity and a way of us continuing our unique individual creations.
These are the key ingredients your Thyroid needs are: Iodine,Selenium,Zinc, Ashwagandha, Bladderwrack, L-Tyrosine
But to enhance even further I also recommend B12 (supports thyroid energy production to eliminates fatigue)
Magnesium (helps convert T4 into the active thyroid hormone T3) Food Sources include Spinach, Squash/Pumpkin Seeds, Hemp Seeds, Lima Beans, Tuna, Brown Rice, Quinoa, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, 85% Cocoa Dark Chocolate.
Schizandra (fights against thyroid free radical damage) You would need a supplement and I highly recommend adding to your life for the many health benefits outside of it’s potential for the thyroid.
Copper (helps the thyroid gland function optimally) you can find this Liver, Oysters, Spirulina, Wheatgrass, Moringa, Shitake Mushrooms, Almonds, Cashews, Lobster, Leafy Greens, Dark Chocolate. I would focus on food because you only need in small amounts.
Manganese (further reduces thyroid inflammation) and is responsible for several functions of the body including metabolism and anti oxidant properties as well as bone health and development, wound healing. You can find in nuts such as almonds, pecans, beans, legumes, oatmeal, bran cereal, Wholewheat bread, Brown Rice, leafy green veg such as Spinach. Fruits such as Pineapple and Acai, Dark Chocolate.
Molybdenum (prevents toxic buildup of fluoride, which can damage the thyroid).You probably haven't heard of this trace mineral but it is essential to your health, your body only needs small amounts and you can find Legumes, Black eyed peas, Lima Beans, Leafy Veg, Wholegrains, Rice, Nuts, Potatoes, Banana's, Dairy, Beef, Chicken and Eggs.
Cayenne Pepper (naturally boosts and supports metabolism) I love adding to food and even a bit in my hot water with lemon and honey with my seamoss in morning.
Which leads me nicely on to Seamoss also. I recently started making my own with Shunghite and Lime as a Powerful potent thyroid balancing ritual but also Seamoss has 92 of the minerals the body needs to function. Often minerals are overlooked, but knowledge is power! But be mindful too much iodine isnt good. If you been using regularly for a while and your still struggling with weight loss then stop and just focus on the other minerals and vitamins suggested.
If you are Vegetarian or Vegan it might be that you need to supplement. I recommend the following supplements that have been tried and tested by myself and many clients. Often enough food is overlooked when it comes to the Thyroid and we know in the functional medicine world that everything is connected so I always recommend doing blood tests, gut testing and dealing with the emotional issues that can often create dysfunction.
The purpose of this post is to educate and inform, our lives become better through knowledge and action. It's through years of studying and practice that I am in the health I am today and it's my mission to empower humans to great health and optimal vitality.If you feel you could do with additional expert support on your new health journey it would be an honour to support you.
Email to book a free consultation.
To your health and happiness
Quantum health coaching for optimal living