Mind-Body Connection of Dis-Ease

So I haven’t spoken about Chakras in a while. As most of you know I facilitate healing and teach others to do the same. My own journey of healing and manifesting lead me into the world of Reiki and I never looked back. I have used Reiki through every life situation since my discovery and it’s a huge part of my coaching because once we are aligned with our highest selves we can attract some amazing things in our lives.

Today on the blog I wanted to touch on the different Chakras and their blockages. This is a brief overview and can really help you understand what’s going on inside your body based on thoughts and feelings. We are literally creating our reality based on these thoughts and feelings and when we are tuned into to our higher selves our body is communicating with us through discomfort.

The Head

Back of head - Crown Chakra

Nervous System, Endocrine System, Pituitary and Pineal glands, as well as into the visual cortex. This chakra concepts, attitudes and ways of thinking and how these are affecting your life.

Also your spiritual progress

Brows/Eyes -Third Eye Chakra

Head/Brain, nervous system, endocrine system, pituitary and pineal glands, as well as the eyes and face. This Chakra is your perspective on the world and what you allow yourself to “see” and what you ‘face up to’ or what you are avoiding.

Ears/Temples- Third Eye Chakra

Same as above but includes ears, sinuses, nose and face.

What are you willing or unwilling to hear; whether you listen to your inner guidance

Neck/Throat -Throat Chakra

Treats the neck, throat, tonsils, adenoids and vocal chords, as well as jaw, mouth, teeth, gums, nose, sinuses and ears, plus the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which control metabolism and growth.

This chakra is all about communication issues such as unexpressed feelings, anger and hurt, being truthful to yourself and others; “

“Chewing things over” Or finding things “difficult to swallow “ Experiencing ear problems or sore throats , tonsillitis is common for people who are blocked in this Chakra

THE front of the body

Chest- Heart Chakra

This position treats heart and the whole cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system, the immune system, the lungs and respiratory system, and the Thymus Gland.

It can be blocked by relationship issues, suppressed emotions, feeling smothered or controlled by others, trust issues, lack of independence, unexpressed grief.

Solar Plexus - Upper Abdomen

This controls the Liver, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder, stomach, and whole digestive system. It can be blocked by self- esteem, not having the extrovert/introvert balance, feeling worthless, putting other’s needs before your own.

Waist/Navel - Sacral Chakra

This position treats kidneys and adrenal glands, the lower digestive organs, the prostate, bladder and urinary tract and the female reproductive system-uterus and ovaries. Deals with Sexual and physical appetites, pleasure and creativity; enjoyment (or not) of life; taking pleasure in beauty, nature, sensations; procreation issues.

Pelvic Area- Root Chakra

Skeleton, muscles, tendons, and the body’s largest organ,the skin, as well as the bladder, bowels and urinary/elimination system, the genitals and the male reproductive organs ( testes) and the pelvis, hips, legs and feet.

Deals with survival, trust and security; money, housing or job issues; feeling unsupported; not letting go, feelings of fear or panic.

THE BACK OF the body

Shoulders - Throat Chakra/Heart Chakra

Affecting muscles which hold a lot of tension, and also into the top of the spine at base of neck, pain can travel into arms and hands.

In the upper back: repressed anger/rage.

Shoulders: too many burdens, too much stress.

Arms: wanting to embrace, or being afraid to let go. Hands: giving and receiving, issues or situations you can’t handle.

Middle Back- Heart Chakra

Upper part of spine, as well as treating the Heart and lungs

Stored anger and resentment, feeling unsupported, trying to be perfect, as well as indefinable fears.

Waist- Middle part of spine ( Sacral Chakra)

The Pancreas, digestive system, liver, kidneys, spleen and adrenal glands and the female

Reproductive system.

Ability ( or inability) to let go and let flow;

Holding on to negative feelings; being irritable and easily upset.

Buttocks - Root Chakra

Lower portion of spine, including lumbar region and coccyx. Skin, blood and urinary elimination system and again into genitals, male reproductive system, hips, legs and feet.

Lower Spine: Money and security issues, feelings of responsibility, inability to ask for help.

Skin: Something or someone getting under your skin

Legs: Progress through life, fear of change, fear of future.

Knees: Stubbornness, inflexibility and indecision.

Ankles: Life balance, a need to change direction.

Feet: Fear of taking the next step “ needing to be grounded

As I said this is brief, I have an ebook you can get that will go a bit deeper into the Chakra system and how we can unblock our Chakras with awareness. If you feel you need help in getting into alignment book a free consultation with me where I can give you an energy scan and we can identify which Chakras are blocked
