The Mother Wound

There is a Mother wound that runs deep, I have been able to look very differently at this since doing the inner work. And let me tell you there is nothing more important than this work.

The Christmas I won the money, I told a lie to my Mother it wasn’t the first, although I don’t lie to her anymore and I had reason, I really didn’t want to hurt her feelings. But I had lied to her about Christmas before. One year I told her I was going to Barcelona, I got stupid drunk with my flatmate and watched about 3 seasons of Desperate Housewives. I worked really hard at the time, a full time job plus my side hustle business which eventually went full time as Spray Tan technician. That year I simply made a choice I wasn’t going to entertain her, I didn’t want my Christmas’s ruined by her anymore. 

I have since then spent Christmas with her with much regret. Last year was disastrous with all of us being really sick and my Mother leaving saying “Well I don’t want to be sick.” Hahaha. She has promised never to return. I will be honest, the idea of spending Christmas with my mum gives me the creeps. It sends my nervous system into overdrive. I instantly freeze, I am overcompensating, over pleasing, trying to get everything right because I want to please her and not make her upset. 

Everything must have order or control and rarely is she willing to have it any other way than her way. She is highly anxious, chronic depressed and on edge most of the time. Years of chronic stress have taken it’s toll on her health. There’s a number of reasons why she is the way she is, I wish I knew more about her childhood but she doesn’t talk about it. Where as I made a conscious decision not lie to my children about anything, because I want to build trust with them. I have learnt much about conscious parenting by doing the complete opposite. When asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, I would say “ I don’t know but I am not going to be my mother!” 

From a young age, I knew there was deep pain hidden inside her. Children have an amazing ability to pick up on the things you don’t say. I actually was born with more Empath abilities, I never knew how to articulate what I was feeling because I was non verbal for the first 5 years of my life, because my mother never communicated to me. I would of probably been labelled autistic today. I don’t feel anger towards my mother, I understand she was unable to love and care for me. I understand she did the best she could with the knowledge she had. If she could of done better, she would of. I don’t resent her choices, I don’t live with any regrets. 

In fact I know that everything I have encountered, every bit of pain I have experienced has taken me closer to my purpose. I have experienced life on so many different levels. My experiences have allowed me to grow and develop, especially resilience. There were things I never thought possible, but have been made possible through belief. I had to step away from the fantasy that I would have this relationship with my Mother, although I do still have faith. Never say never a statement that holds much value in my life. 

Now I just Mother myself, I Mother my children the best way I can and I stay connected to Mother Earth and that keeps me grounded.If we are looking at the Root Chakra we are looking at our family and having at least one parent that supports you is important. I knew that disclosing my HIV diagnosis would worry my Mother and I was probably a bit afraid of judgment because she is really good at that. So I didn’t share although I wanted to, I knew she wouldn’t understand my need to go about healing the body.

There are many people who don’t believe the body has the ability to heal including many medical professionals. My Mother is the kind of woman who wouldn’t dare not read/watch the news. I was raised in an environment where I was exposed to everything that was wrong in the world, so from a young age I was fearful of life. The world was a scary place and this caused me anxiety from young. She worries about anything and everything, her nerves are so bad she jumps at the slightest noise and this is also a reason not to be around her. You just can’t exist without upsetting or offending her.

I have over the years tried my hardest to make it work but acceptance is needed, I have accepted this is who she is although it’s not her calling, her purpose, I am sure she has incredible gifts that she could share with the world. Unfortunately he has been difficult for her to accept me, it seemed I can only make her happy if I look, talk, act a certain way. I gave up trying to please her a long time ago. I definitely don’t need any approval and generally I feel like shit when I am around her. So it’s I am going to love you from over here kinda relationship. The absence of a Father is tough but he was never around at all so you can’t miss something you never had, of course you look at your children and you can’t imagine not being there for them. I will never understand this kind of toxic masculinity but I suffered both my Mother was absent and toxic as fuck! I practically raised myself, so tell me what did I really know about love? I searched high, I searched low. I looked for it everywhere. I heard it but never felt it. I search for it everyday and it’s so present in my life with my children, how can it not be? They just love, they are so good at that. Most of my relationships were based co dependency. 

I needed to be seen, validated, affirmed, held, told over and over. I definitely destroyed many relationships because of the lack of love I had for myself. I lost myself in love, I over compensated, I gave and gave in hope that I would be finally accepted. I gave it all until there was never left of me. This was made obvious in my last relationship, I sat there and said to myself but I gave him everything I had and I would of given more if I had it. 

How could my love not be enough? 

And then as if God switched a light on

“But did you give the love to yourself first?” 

I honestly didn’t. It’s just important to see that how all our relationships are affected if we don’t have that solid foundation that is built through our relationship with our parents. If you have ever heard of the term “Fill your own cup first. Then this is where I had been going really wrong in this relationship. Because they was a high need to please and make sure he was happy, rarely did I look at myself and say

“Does this make me happy?

I definitely know that my love tank was empty, in the relationship with my Mother because she didn’t know that I needed affirmations to receive love. But in this relationship I was clear about how I wanted to be loved but yet it was a difficult because he only wanted to love me in his love language and I don’t even know if he loved me at all.

Did my Mother love herself? 

No. I can honestly say no. I think she has come along with her own healing journey. I think having a child really young without any real support is hard. And how many of us Mothers are perfect?  I like to think now we have a better relationship then ever and believe we can have a wonderful life together. I know she would love that and I believe that what she has suffered must of been really bad for her to hide it. I stand in no place of judgment. I can only wish her well. I think it’s really easy to blame and shame our Mothers, but I have learnt through compassion and forgiveness that she too has had trouble in her childhood and that she tried her best with what she knew at the time. So mercy, mercy on my Mother. I didn’t have it easy, but do any of us really? 

I probably wouldn’t be fulfilling my purpose if I had not experienced my Mother being who she was and is. My life’s work committed to helping many of us healing these wounds and stepping into fearless freedom.I have since coming into some truths about who I am and by that I mean understanding I am a powerful creator and that I can literally create a life I will love. Trying to convince my Mother that this could be her truth was a challenge. We call it “waking” people up in the spiritual community.

Although the intention is to do good, I believe people eventually find themselves without the need for us to force our beliefs down people’s throats. Also we are not responsible for anyone’s healing even our Mothers but through my own journey into Motherhood I have found healing and it has been powerful. She birthed me for better or worse, she is mine.We will dance this dance to the end of our time 

I love you Mum

Wherever you are at these steps may help you begin to release the guilt, shame or pain that comes with having a mother wound, so you can start to heal.

Step One: Admit the Truth

Your experience is real and that your disappointment is valid.No denying the pain you feel from not having that “perfect” Mother. Acceptance is necessary in the face of healing, you know your truth and it’s ok whatever you feel. Don’t make yourself wrong. 

Step Two: What is a Perfect Mother?

The self sacrificing Mother has been played out in many cultures around the globe. This “Perfect “ mother is only ever living for her children. It definitely isn’t a concept I consider to be real. Nothing I have experienced in my own Motherhood journey, nothing I see firsthand in my communities. To move towards healing, you might have to let go of that perfection standard, and accept the humanness, the messiness of your mother and motherhood in general.

I’m not saying that this makes it all okay, especially if you had a narcissistic or abusive parent. If you can move into accepting your mother’s human messiness and into the reality that mothers are just people, and we’re all flawed to one degree or another, this can help you release some of the pain you may still be carrying.

Step Three: There is no such thing as a Perfect Mother

I wish my Mother was like...... 

What kind of mother did you wish you had?I was always really jealous of the relationship my good friend had with her Mother. It definitely wasn’t perfect but I saw things in that relationship that I wish existed in my reality. 

Did you ever have a friend who had a Mum who was kind and loving and you wished she were yours?I can tell you all the things I wish we could do, and I can tell you exactly how I want her to be.There are so many aspects of having an unloving or difficult mother that profoundly impact us as children, and that child within keeps hoping for the desired outcome. It is in your best interest now to give up the fantasy that your mother will change. Acceptance is truly healing. What was and what is, although I believe we can have many magical moments together. I just don’t fantasise about them anymore. 

I think as good practice ( I am all for practicing)You can perform rituals to help you move past the pain into power.I believe in action, focused intention , this has the power to shift energy and this is what it’s about. I want you to feel free from the past. There is NOW which is powerful and then ( aka the past) which isn’t so powerful, it could be full of fear, guilt, shame, resent and trust me it’s haunting.

I want to encourage you to think about what you can do in the present to release the guilt and shame that often accompanies the mother wound.

Step Four: Evolve or Repeat

I deeply internalised the thought that I was unlovable. Because I suffered from childhood development trauma, deep in my unconscious mind I didn’t feel worthy of love. 

What I have repeated throughout my life was unhealthy relationships whether it be friendships/romantic relationships. I would be drawn to or attract people who were similar to my Mother. This is repeating a reality I know, the subconscious sounds familiar. I wasn’t consciously aware I was doing it, it’s a very common thing amongst those who seek maternal love or approval. We didn’t get it as a child so we look high and low for it. 

In order to grow, we look at awareness of ourselves and whats causes us to repeat these realities. It wasn’t until I got HIV and I saw the Root Cause of the disease I understood why I was in situations that were similar. 

Step Five: Self Love is key

I had to become my own Mother. I listened attentively to my needs. I could easily feel judged by my Mother. Her lack of Empathy towards certain situations. I could always here her saying “Well it’s all your fault “

Which it was , it is. I know now to always take responsibility for my life. I teach the same to my son, because everyone always has a sense of entitlement. I guess I just wanted to hear that it was ok and that I am learning. Maybe that’s what you need to hear and that you can change. 

You have the power to change, just starting loving where you are, who you are and grow from there. If you find that harsh inner critic repeating often, find compassion, Isn’t it time to evict that voice from your head? Becoming a good mother to yourself means treating yourself with the same compassion that you would a child that you adore. I found this to be necessary because I have children now. I refuse to have dysfunction in my family unit. Because I fully understand what happened in my childhood I often feel the need to protect my children. 

Step Six: Lean on sisterhood 

Throughout the years as I have confided in people about my Mother and shared details of my upbringing. Being brave enough to share my story, I had eventually found kind and nurturing beings who supported and encouraged me. They supported me emotionally and believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. 

I encourage anyone who is dealing with this wound to follow people who encourage and build you up. I share very private parts of my life, and sometimes we feel shame around the way we were raised. I see you, there’s is nothing wrong with you and you did not deserve to be unloved or rejected. 

Right now. As you are in this moment is enough. 

Recently I had a rather heated discussion with my Mother, in fact she was being a bit rude about my appearance. Saying I let myself go because I recently had a baby. She has a perfect image of me and if I don’t meet that then she gets heavy with the criticism. I told her I didn’t appreciate her tone and that what she way saying to me was rude and hurtful. I told her I didn’t want to speak about it anymore but she kept on. The boundaries in this relationship are all over the place. But also we haven’t really establish any. 

Mothering yourself is a beautiful and necessary part of the healing. 

Step Seven: Get professional help!

Again it’s about being really honest about how you feel about yourself, what you experienced and what you want to release. I tend to often suppress my emotions, I don’t often ask for help because my past experience with my Mother. Usually I just didn’t get the help I needed and so I stopped asking. I now have many people I can ask help from. From local authority social services and people within my “spiritual” community. It’s not been easy for me, so please trust me when I say, one day at a time. 

You deserve healing, you deserve to feel whole.

You will find it where you seek it, and just be open to receive. I am standing with you in love, cheering you on. Healing this wound is profoundly life changing. You got this!

If you feel working with a professional will help you work through these wounds. Get in touch and let’s connect. A big part of my work is helping women feel more empowered in their lives.

Sending you so much love


Five Signs your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked

We must trust life but we must also show up, even if this is only 1% I noticed within myself where I have been unable to “digest” certain situations, where I have felt powerless. The great thing about having awareness is that getting back into alignment is easy enough. 

Energy creates energy, we were all born with the potential to create our lives, we can totally live out our lives and it doesn’t have to be a struggle or a chore. Those who know they are here for purpose can end up being imbalanced because the tasks they create in their lives can overwhelm them. Then it becomes difficult to even start, they become extremely frustrated.

Here are signs you might be out of balance 

1. You see yourself as powerful or powerless to others. You can be submissive to some and tyrannic to others creating an imbalance and also shows inauthenticity. Treating all beings at powerful and purposeful aligns you.

2. You shame yourself often and worry about what others may think of you. You feel like a failure 

3. You are scared of your future and are not in touch with the now. You play safe and stay comfortable, you try to protect what you think you have.

4. You are highly goal orientated with your means to feel accomplished, you wear “highly stressed and busy” as badges of honour.

5. You may be experiencing problems in digestion. This could be ulcers, liver problems, gallstones, pancreas disorder, diabetes or hypoglycaemia.

Ways to balance 

1. Reflect 

Your life is a garden and you are in partnership with life. It’s mostly 1% you and 99% life but the 1% matters. Show up to life and be proud of yourself along the way. Don’t be hard on yourself, remind yourself you are doing the best you can. 

2. Redefine 

Don’t be attached to the outcome, it’s all about the journey and how you are contributing to life.

Your gifts and talents are needed in this world.

Light up the world with who you are. Remember ego loves accomplishment, your gifts and constant giving to life is your reward not the outcome. 

3. Focus on breath work, breathing in and out feeling the breathe from your solar plexus, and releasing. Also using the “ AH” sound is connected to the third chakra. Laughing and not taking everything so seriously is necessary for healing. Remember to enjoy your life. 


How do I follow my intuition?

We all have it, we all have had those moments of trusting the gut or having a good feeling.It was this exact feeling that lead my to play the lottery and win a million pounds, in fact I really couldn’t be bothered to do it but intuition was so strong and I am glad I listened.

Our intuition is found in the Sacral Chakra this is where we find passion, purpose , creativity and sexuality. Without any of our things we can all agree that life gets a bit “meh”

How do I follow my intuition?

One thing that comes up when talking with clients and students is how do I get into that space of being aligned with my intuition. Sometimes it’s literally silence, it’s doing nothing and waiting for the small still voice to communicate. It’s following the beat of your own drum, but you definitely won’t find it in a place of comparison or competition. We are all unique and have arrived to this planet with unique gifts that the world needs. If we are simply going to try and fit in we will never discover our true calling or find out what it is we are here to do.

First step is to recognise you aren’t what others think and say you are or what you have been lead to believe about yourself over the years. I do much work around the “inner child” and healing the past so you can create a new future a better future a future that’s all yours!

It’s takes courage and strength to recognise you aren’t really happy with your life /life situation the good news is we are powerful creators. We are capable of turning things around in our favour once we tap into our own inner genius. Through my work I get clients to find out what it is that really lights them up and just go there as often as possible , and it’s never too late. I only really started finding my true potential at 34 so please believe you have time to turn things around, the world needs your magic

How do I know if I am not aligned with my purpose?

Here’s the thing, I think this question is fairly simple. If you don’t jump out of bed in the mornings, if you are wishing away your days, cant wait until the weekend then it’s likely you are in a job that doesn’t really satisfy you. Life is very short and precious, it’s up to you to create something that fulfils your soul, anything else is madness.

The biggest question and what stops most people is actually starting. Whatever creative ideas come to mind, they are often limited by apathy, we need our Solar Plexus to give us a kick in the arse to make the small steps to success, nothing ever happened overnight.

I believe our intuition is heightened when we are willing to be our guide through life because we truly do have all the answers within to create a life we will love. We do limit ourselves by our thoughts and feelings and what we make things mean.

Today I encourage to sit with yourself, create a vision for your life. Take pen to paper, your are magic and you can most definitely create a magical life.

All the love


The Lord’s Prayer and the Chakra system

I never thought I would be able to explain what had happened to me all those years ago without people thinking I was crazy, even I thought I was crazy. How could I tell people I had died gone to the other side seen the white light? Truth is it scared me what I knew and what I had seen and what happened to me. So I sat in silence and I just went on with my life the only way I knew how. 

What I didn't know was why it was valid and necessary, and what was to come after which turns out was twenty years or so of darkness was necessary too. I really don't think I would be the person I am today without that darkness and it's the very reason I share what I share and do what I do. So I can now be the lighthouse for lost souls who are still searching for the light in the darkness. It makes my suffering all that worthwhile, knowing I can make a difference in people's lives.

Do you ever feel that everything happens for a reason and your exactly where you are supposed to be in life?

Despite all things that have happened to you in the past?

I hope so and if not , don't worry, there will be a time where it all makes sense and even if it doesn't , just know that there are people who are rooting for you, believing in you, and want you to win and I am one of them.

In my early twenties I spent a lot of time in church it's something I talk about in my forthcoming book. It helped me massively because I drank a lot and did drugs from a young age and it was a sense of community which I really needed at the time. Sadly some things occurred within the church that deterred me away from being there, but I didn't lose my belief I always believed I had guides helping throughout life. 

The Lord's Prayer has always helped me through life, the words have always comforted me although I don't consider myself religious at all because I believe religion has only really separated us from us. The really divine is within and that's how Reiki significantly shifted my perception and aligned with what happened to me on that night way back 1994. It was something that took 20 years for me to figure out and something at the time was very frightening. I had my Kundalini awakened when I took LSD. My consciousness went into pure white light ( which I believed I left this dimension) it didn't last long but it was as you can imagine life changing. I did in fact suffer psychological effects for many years due to my lack of knowledge and so I do believe we should awaken the kundalini gently. Because by GOD its a force. 

What is Kundalini? 

Kundalini (Sanskrit: कुण्डलिनी kuṇḍalinī, About this sound pronunciation , "coiled one"), in the concept of Dharma, refers to a form of primal energy (or shakti) said to be located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of "awakening" kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment and a range of supernormal powers. Writer Joseph Campbell describes the concept of Kundalini as “the figure of a coiled female serpent—a serpent goddess not of "gross" but of "subtle" substance - which is to be thought of as residing in a torpid, slumbering state in a subtle center, the first of the seven, near the base of the spine: the aim of the yoga then being to rouse this serpent, lift her head, and bring her up a subtle nerve or channel of the spine to the so-called “thousand-petaled lotus” (Sahasrara) at the crown of the head... (Crown Chakra) 

She, rising from the lowest to the highest lotus center, will pass through and wake the five between, and with each waking the psychology and personality of the practitioner will be altogether and fundamentally transformed.”

Kundalini awakening is said to result from deep meditation, and consequently enlightenment and bliss.However, as each individual is unique, Kundalini awakenings can happen through a variety of methods not limited to deep meditation. This awakening involves the Kundalini physically moving up the central channel to reach within the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. Many systems of yoga focus on awakening Kundalini through meditation, pranayama breathing, the practice of asana and chanting of mantras.In physical terms, the Kundalini experience is frequently reported to be a feeling of electric current running along the spine. And this I have experienced many times now as a Reiki Master, its possible to achieve this through Yoga. 

Was Jesus a Yogi?

I truly believe every master who has walked this Earth and shared knowledge had to know himself, they knew wholeheartedly they were the way, the truth and the light.

Its YOU , the holy trinity MIND, BODY AND SOUL.

The connection to the Lords Prayer and The Chakras makes perfect sense and Jesus finding of his truth were shared throughout the land. But not everyone gets it? Because the Third Eye is pretty much closed to many humans who are unaware that they are creating this reality and so therefore their minds are limited so if you are reading this take no offence, use logic to come to sense and take a different view, after all life is only perspective.........

What do you choose? 

What way will you go?


I have always believed my early connection to Christianity and my death experience and the fact that I am the woman I am today was no coincidence. The night in question I was with two men, neither of them I knew but a friend knew them and I believe them to be earthbound angels, in fact I was go as far as to thinking that night in question was planned long before I set foot on this precious Earth. 

There is an interesting connection between ‘Our Lord’s Prayer’ and the Chakra System. The Lord’s Prayer is extremely venerated by Christians/Catholics alike, as this prayer was an original given to Jesus by God to teach his disciples. 

However, there is an interesting theory that finds a curious link between this prayer, and 7 chakras.

First, lets investigate the chakra system. 

The 7 chakras start from the top of your head, and work their way down the front to the base of your spine and back up the back. Your chakra system is yours energy system and is really part of an ecosystem.

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Crown Chakra

Colour Association: Violet

Sanskrit: Name: Sahasrara

Location: Top of head

Lesson: Knowingness– The right to aspire. 

Dedication to the divine consciousness and trusting the universe. Learning about one’s spirituality. Our connection to the concept of “God” or a higher intelligence. Integrating one’s consciousness and subconsciousness into the superconsciousness.

Imbalances: Headaches. Photosensitivity. Mental illness. Neuralgia.Senility. Right/left brain disorders and coordination problems. Epilepsy. Varicose veins and blood vessel problems. Skin Rashes. 

Crown Stimulants: Focusing on dreams. Writing down one’s visions and inventions. Violet food & drink. Violet gemstones and violet clothing.

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Third Eye Chakra

Colour Association: Indigo

Sanskit Name: Anja

Location: Forehead, in between the eyes.

Lesson: Intuition–The right to “see.” Trusting one’s intuition and insights. Developing one’s psychic abilities. Self-realization. Releasing hidden and repressed negative thoughts.

Imbalances: Learning disabilities, co-ordination problems, sleep disorders.

Depression: Thyroid imbalances, swollen glands. Fevers and flu. Infections. Mouth, jaw, tongue, neck and shoulders problems. Hyperactivity. Hormonal disorders such as PMS, mood swings, bloating and menopause.

Brow Stimulants: Star gazing. Moon Gazing. Mediation Indigo food & drink. Indigo gemstones and indigo clothing. Using indigo oils such as patchouli or frankincense essential oils.

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Throat Chakra

Colour Association: Blue

Sanskit Name: Visuddha

Location: Throat region

Lesson: Relationships–The right to speak. Learning to express oneself and one’s beliefs (truthful expression). Ability to trust. Loyalty. Organization and planning.

Imbalances: Thyroid imbalances, swollen glands. Fevers and flu. Infections. Mouth, jaw, tongue, neck and shoulders problems. Hyperactivity. Hormonal disorders such as PMS, mood swings, bloating and menopause.

Throat Stimulants: Singing (in the shower), poetry, stamp or art collecting. Meaningful conversations. Blue food & drink. Blue gemstones and blue clothing. Using blue oils such as chamomile or geranium essential oils.

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Heart Chakra

Colour Association: Green

Sanskit Name: Anahata

Location: Center of chest

Lesson: Relationships–The right to love. Love, forgiveness, compassion. Ability to have self-control. Acceptance of oneself.

Imbalances: Heart and breathing disorders. Heart and breast cancer. Chest pain. High blood pressure. Passivity. Immune system problems. Muscular tension.

Heart Stimulants: Nature walks, time spent with family or friends. Green food & drink. Green gemstones and green clothing. Using green oils such as eucalyptus or pine essential oils.

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Solar Plexus Chakra:

Colour Association: Yellow

Sanskit Name: Manipura

Location: Above the navel, stomach area

Lesson: Personal power–The right to think. Balance of intellect, self-confidence and ego power. Ability to have self-control and humor.

Imbalances: Digestive problems, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, constipation. Nervousness, toxicity, parasites, colitis, poor memory.

Solar Plexus Stimulants: Taking classes, reading informative books, doing mind puzzles. Sunshine. Detoxification programs. Yellow food & drink. Yellow gemstones and yellow clothing. Using yellow oils such as lemon or rosemary essential oils.

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Spleen/Sacral Chakra:

Colour Association: Orange

Sanskit Name: Svadisthana

Location: Below navel, lower abdomen

Lesson: Feelings—The right to feel. Connected to our sensing abilities and issues related to feelings. Ability to be social and intimacy issues

Imbalances: Eating disorders. Alcohol and drug abuse. Depression.Low back pain. Asthma or allergies. Candida & yeast infections. Urinary problems. Sensuality issues as well as impotency and frigidity.

Spleen Stimulants: Hot aromatic baths, water aerobics, massage.Embracing sensation (such as different food tastes). Orange food & drink. Orange gemstones and orange clothing. Using orange oils such as melissa or orange essential oils.

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Root/Base Chakra:

Colour Association: Red

Sanskit Name: Muladhara

Location: Base of spine, coccyx

Lesson: Survival–The right to exist. Deals with tasks related to the material and physical world. Ability to stand up for oneself and security issues.

Imbalances: Anemia, fatigue, lower back pain, sciatica, depression. Frequent colds or cold hands and cold feet.

Root Stimulants: Physical exercise and restful sleeps, gardening, pottery and clay. Red food & drink. Red gemstones, red clothing, bathing in red, etc. Using red oils such as ylang ylang or sandalwood essential oils.

The Our Lord’s Prayer has several different versions, see: The Enochian Ritual, but for this connected “dot” the prayer is as follows

Our Father who art in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy Name

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done 

On Earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil

For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory

Forever, and ever Amen

Now if we combine the Chakra system with the Lords prayer, we get a connection that has fascinated me, therefore I share with you.

Our Father who art in Heaven” + Crown Chakra 

As above so below , this is establishing the connection to the concept of GOD or higher intelligence. Integrating one's consciousness and subconscious into the superconsciousness 

"Hallowed be Thy Name” + Third Eye:

The Third Eye gives us vision , this sight allows us to see that we are truly creating this reality, this is the sacred space of GOD the creator. 

Hallowed is the name, because the sight of the third eye gives us the vision to establish the understanding that to truly name God is impossible. 

 "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done” + Throat Chakra:

Abracadabra is the definition of I create what I speak, the Throat Chakra is Ether, Communication, living your truth. Being mindful of your Throat Chakra in conjunction with the will of your words is what is being said here. Your will your way ( You are the way, the truth, the light)

"On Earth as it is in Heaven” + Heart Chakra: 

Jesus had a fully awakened heart, he was balanced in his heart chakra living a heaven on Earth because he lived from his heart. In many ancient cultures the congruent notion of the sacred heart is not separate The confusion is that his heart was THE sacred heart, but the Heavenly truth is that we all have the ability to awaken the divine spark within us. This is “gnosis” – connecting the below, to the above, the within to the without. Making Heaven on Earth, by living truly in our hearts.

 "Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” Solar Plexus Chakra 

The Solar Plexus gives us the right to think and take action on our desires, like the third eye, is another center of intuition – but it is the intuition center for ego based conflict. This is our Personal power and a balance of intellect, self-confidence and ego power. We must keep our egos in check , of course we need our Egos don't let anyone tell you any different but the ability to have self-control is necessary.

The "Daily bread”, can be viewed at as the “spiritual nutrition” from source, to keep us in alignment with our etheric selves, as opposed to the egotistical Earth nature that can lead us astray. Forgiveness of others is the “food of the gods”. The Solar Plexus is all about movement and energy where the first two chakras meet to create action, without good sources of high energy foods we lack so daily bread can be interpreted this way.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” + Spleen Chakra

We can often get caught up in our feelings and an imbalance can cause us to be led into temptation. We need to have a balance socially, and be more aware of ourselves. Lack of positive creativity leads us into evil because we become idle ( The Devil makes work for idle)

A balanced Sacral Chakra will gives us self awareness, independence, flow of creativity , sexuality and passion, overactivity can cause us to get too up in our emotions and lose track of our purpose, the Sacral Chakra and the Third Eye work really well together, to create Heaven on Earth this is where purpose and passion meet clarity and vision so you are constantly expanding and creating a better life for yourself.

Connecting to this chakra, and part of the prayer, is a reminder to honor your feelings, and be gentle to yourself. When a bad feeling presents itself, identify it, do not drown it in sorrow or mask it with one of the 7 deadly temptations of sin (the antitheses of the chakras).

"For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory. Forever, and ever Amen” is Root Chakra 

There is no separation, the meat suit and GOD is one, Thine is the Kingdom.To know thyself, is to know God. You were created by the creator to be creative, which is the ultimate act of Godness. The capacity for creation is infinite (forever, and ever), and remembering the path and purpose of your person is the ultimate Holy communion.

For me this knowledge and this connection draws me closer and closer to oneness and to myself, for many years I was confused, lost in the darkness struggling to figure out life. When truly I only really needed to know myself and that is what the Chakras have taught me. They say Reiki finds you and they were so right, eventually I became the woman I was born to be so I can spread my light across the land and become the being I needed to be for all mankind. This prayer is an artform and now I have my view on it, I will give it reverence and honour because this kind of communion is the kind of communion I can dig with. I will visualise, feel , connect with each word and live this life based on these words and chakras daily. 

Nothing you can't be or do, nothing you can't achieve. I pray for the day we all get that revelation 


The Wild Awakened Woman


It feels to good to free, to be me. 


But why did it take so long?

Why was I so afraid?

It took me a long time to realise my potential but not only that it took me a long time. It took me a hell of a lot of unnecessary darkness. I have had now several awakenings, all life changing, transformational and in my mind so necessary, however uncomfortable and ugly they were at the time. So bloody necessary for the evolution of my soul.

I am not afraid, no longer hiding in my shadows because I am aware I am creating this reality, the soul realisation fully came about three years ago whilst I was staring at the moon one night. It was like the moon was connecting and communicating with me and in that moment I became alive. I decided in that moment that things could go my way and that I wanted to feel that way for as long as possible. It was the day everything changed for me.


In that moment, those few seconds of self reflection and self realisation I felt within the depth of my core that I could be and should want to be the best version of myself, not only to me but to the world. Because the world needs me to be me. So many women I have admired over years because they showed up as themselves and that was inspiring, I wanted to be that person not just for me, but to be a possibility for someone else.


To know ourselves and truly, like to the depth of my fucking core is to live free. I wake up everyday,like it’s a new day a new possibilities to live this life on my terms, I also know what its like to live in the shadows of your own existence. I lived that way for so long. It was tragic and tiring to be constantly people pleasing, to be worrying only about what the world wants you to be and not to be aligning with your true self.


Unfortunately no matter what we do we will be judged, no matter how hard we try to please there will be some people who are never satisfied, I found this out with my own mother. I found for many years she was comparing me to other children, she was comparing herself to other women and in because of the behaviour she was displaying, I grew up a woman who was constantly comparing herself to other women.When I say it finally feel free to feel good.

Omg so friggin good!

My only hope is that more women will love themselves to the point of feeling free. Truly free and that they get to live out their lives wild and awakened to the possibilities life has to offer. Inaccidentally fell into coaching, but its always been my calling to hold a space for others, sometimes to my own detriment and thats why boundaries are so important. It’s something we dig deep into on my coaching programs, the shifts you make when you honour yourself are out of this world and I am always blown away with the results when the realisation kicks in.

When I first started to say NO everything changed, when I started to take back my power, I started to feel more confident and more in charge with who I was and who I wanted to be in the world. I started to claim my birthright to exist , to feel free,to be me.

The only saviour you need is yourself

I spent my early twenties in church, I was depressed, anxious, addicted to drugs and alcohol, desperate for love and so unaware of my true beauty. I only saw flesh, even in church I was looking to pick up men. The unconscious mind was like yes I will find my knight in shining armour here, I will find him and I will be happy.

Some 16 years on and grateful for the knowledge I have of myself but this hasn’t been easy. I know it’s not easy, self love is one of the hardest things I have had to do. To look in the mirror and say “ I LOVE YOU!”In fact everyday I look in the mirror and tell myself I am badass and I genuinely feel it. I hope I can spread my light far and wide into the world so that more women get to feel this way. Because truly we are worthy, it breaks my heart to see women living in the shadows. This is why I write, I speak and I share

“I am not free until everyone is free, because I am you and you are me”

Although I am totally in love with my life, it has taken me a long long time to say that with confidence and to actually mean it. Like to feel it even because for so long it was dark and lonely and self loathing and looking for validation and it became so yuck! I was constantly looking outside of myself for validation and oh how I wish I could just get a time machine and tell myself

“You are fucking awesome, stop doubting yourself”

The world will pull you in every direction and you will want to go where its popular, trendy, you might want to act or dress a certain way just to “fit in” Please don’t, I promise the magic you have inside you is good enough


I made a decision by the moon one night to be my truth to be my truth. For my way to be the way that will set me free. I choose wisely that night. I hope many other women will join me on that path.


Matters of the Heart

When most people start studying the mind-body-spirit connection, they realize that the heart helps healing. Unconditional compassion, pure love: intuitively, we know that these vibrations can transform dis-ease into wholeness and bliss.

We also sense that a “broken heart” can contribute to illness, and that extreme anger can cause a heart attack. Having studied and practiced Reiki and the Chakra system for several years. I’ve found even more activity and potential  in the heart chakra than anywhere else.

We could continue to study the Heart Chakra the potential is never ending and it’s fascinating how this Chakra can literally give us Heaven on Earth. It’s constantly expanding and we are learning more and more about Heart Coherence everyday. 

Major Systems of the Heart Chakra:

Circulatory System

Of course when we think of the Heart Chakra we expect it to cover the Heart. This is pretty much clear as day, heart disease, heart attack’s, high cholesterol, heart murmurs, it kind of makes sense right? 

But the circulatory system also includes the blood itself, which means things like anemia and leukemia. Also the flow of blood, varicose veins which my mother suffers from which makes total sense, not once in my life have I seen this woman full of joy, compassion and excited for life. If you experience cold hands and feet, reynaud’s syndrome or high/low blood pressure. 

These conditions can also match up with other Chakras, as they are all connected and for wholeness I recommend balancing them all and to have an understanding of how your body can talk to you. 

Consider a heart murmur, what is your Heart trying to say? 

What desires does it want? 

What is needing to express or let go of? 

What does it want to feel? 

Why does it feel compelled to murmur instead of thumping joyfully to the universe? 

A heart murmur usually sounds like an extra beat or “turbulence” in the blood flow. 

How do this heart’s natural desires not fit into the normal beat of life?

What do you long to fulfil in life

What are your hopes and dreams?

Science can even recognise that they are huge connections to emotions and stress and their connections to heart attacks. But these connections exist on all levels and in all disorders. With compassionate attention, the body’s secrets can be unlocked, revealing insights and opportunities for healing on all levels.

Respiratory System

Housed in the chest, the lungs make up a huge part of the heart chakra. Hugely connected to conditions such as pneumonia, bronchitis, the flu or lung cancer. Usually these conditions can appear from a major period of grief. Something I have experienced in my own life, relating to a break up and a financial loss all at the same time, I wasn’t expressing my loss or processing my grief very well. Partly ashamed because I felt such a failure, I stopped loving myself and I didn’t feel worthy. 

Grief resides in the lungs, and when we don’t fully release our grief, our lungs start shedding tears for us. Excess phlegm and mucus are the tears of the lungs. Emphysema and asthma often occur when people cannot articulate their grief or when the cause for grief seems too little to justify its full expression. 

Grief can literally suffocate you until something or someone intervenes. Lung cancer tends to come from extreme grief combined with anger/frustration and a sense of utter depletion from imbalanced giving. I definitely know that too well because when I first started my practice I wanted to help everyone and undercharged for my services, again it all boils down to worthiness. 

I have heard of lung cancer in a number of long-term caregivers, even (especially) if they felt very close to the one who needed care. Rather than directing the anger at the spouse or child, the anger starts to bubble up at the universe at large: how can a loving God allow such suffering? Why, after all this caregiving, all this love, is their loved one still dying? 

When your soul gets weary you weaken the immune system, grief and anger begin to mutate and sometimes into cancer cells.

Immune System

Each Chakra is connected to a gland as part of the Endocrine system. The Thymus gland, located under the top of the breast bone, is part of the heart chakra. In children, the thymus gland plays an important role in developing the immune system. In adults, tapping on the thymus gland can “remind” the body to stand strong in the face of infection. 

All lymph nodes begin with seeding from the thymus gland, which means the entire lymphatic system begins in the heart chakra. Unlike the circulatory system, the lymph system does not have a pump. It needs regular exercise and/or massage in order to move things around and clean house. By extension, issues with the lymphatic system require self-care, self-love and attention. Massaging my breasts really helped me with my own healing journey and has many health benefits. 

Common immune system/heart chakra issues 

Allergies, auto-immune disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer (especially breast and lung cancer), influenza, AIDS/HIV, Lyme Disease, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr, Swine Flu, all respiratory illnesses and now Coronavirus.

We are evolving into the Heart Chakra in a major way. Most of our common illness reside in the Heart Chakra so now we must live with Heart Coherence, being open to receive what life has to offer, be compassionate, loving, kind and practicing gratitude.

Other common diseases such as Lyme and chronic fatigue are connected to Root Chakra but also the Heart, it’s not uncommon that people who survive go on to become healers themselves. I have seen numerous occasions with people who have open hearts have immune issues, including myself of course.

One solution that really works is allowing yourself to feel completely at one, to balance out the ebb and flow of life. If we are giving too much love out without receiving any kind of equivalent, this can be of course the love we give to ourselves or from others. We don’t want to limit ourselves from giving but be aware of how we are receiving or where we can be more open to receive. 

I looked deeply into what I had created with my own Heart issues. Because of my new found “spiritual awakening “ suddenly became quite critical and judging of people. This can become common, we become entitled, superior, self righteous and I can tell you that no good can come from this, for you or anyone else in your life.

We are all Divine, stopping the judgement of yourself and others will allow you to connect to people and experience oneness, it allows you to really experience what life has to offer you. We can often want to manifest a better life, but hating on others we only block our abundance.

I have experienced past life regression , and in all my lives I practiced some form of healing, that is the expression of my soul and I chose to continue to be this person in every life. 

If you experience allergies this can be connected to unresolved past life issues. It could be that you feel attacked by life, you can write a journal to express your feelings and make conscious decisions everyday to live a new story. 

The Breasts

Breasts are majorly connected to the Heart Chakra especially for women. But it’s not uncommon for men to develop breast cancer so we need to look at where we can nuture, mother and embrace the feminine principle of life. It’s definitely about balance. Breast cancer happens when sluggish lymph and toxins stagnate in the breasts. There are so many other factors to consider and when working with clients we address things such as  diet, exercise, how they process their emotions but also how they feel about their bodies, I often see patients who express how much they don’t love their bodies, when we are in conflict with ourselves we create the dis-ease. 

The Heart Chakra is the bridge between our lower Chakra’s and upper Chakras and picks up energy imbalances from the gut and the brain. 

Emotional disorders such as depression, phobias, grief, fear, sorrow and anxiety: all have at least one foot in the heart chakra. Cleaning up diet can help massively but nothing quite like changing your state of consciousness, I have seen greater changes with clients who commit to affirmations rather than diet. I have seen people on fully vegan diets still get cancer. So we must also look at the whole person in the entirety of their life. 

Meditation works wonders for people wanting to reach higher altered states of consciousness, those who feel grateful for being alive, who show kindness, forgiveness and compassion have the best results. Stress plays a huge role in most modern day diseases, so learn how to manage and if you are struggling to radiate joy, dig deep try and remember what used to light up your life. 

Through pain we become wiser, I know what it’s like to feel pain, but the minute I decided not to be a victim anymore, everything changed for me. This too is possible for you.

Practical steps for now

Spend some time each day connecting with your heart. I recommend seeing a Reiki practitioner who can help you balance the energy in your heart chakra. I found that when I really dared to show up to love life and do what I love, this helped my healing 

If you have a health issue, be still and ask your heart what it wants to share with you and the world. I sat with my grief long enough to realise, it was anger and frustration and not necessarily with the world although I did hold resent there it was more of “ How stupid can you be Rebecca, I was directing my anger inward, it was this imbalance of self and non self. I also seeked unhealthy ways to make me feel good, drugs, social media, sexual encounters. I do believe that having both my children were for me to feel unconditional love but out of ego, nevertheless I wouldn’t change them for the world, even if being a mum and a single mum is one of the greatest challenges in life. 

Do not be afraid of life, beyond the story of struggle is uncomprehendable joy, peace, bliss and freedom. As a culture, we have nearly lost touch with the language of the heart, but our hearts are longing for us to return to Love.

As Helen Keller once said. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.”

All the Love


The Heart Chakra and The Thymus

 As we grow older our thymus starts to slow down is it the fact we know we are aging that causes the Thymus to die off? Or is it that as we have grown old we have killed off our ability to stay youthful... aka Peter Pan let’s never grow up

As someone who practices Reiki, and teaches it globally through my online courses. This is one organ that takes a pounding throughout life.Having experienced trauma at a young age, and throughout my adult life. I had to parent my self and learn how to love myself fully to heal this chakra and build immunity in my body. When we carry the pain from our past it stops us from receiving all that life has to offer.

The Physical Thymus 

On a physical level, the higher Heart Chakra, also called the ascended heart chakra, is connected with an intriguing organ: the thymus gland. The latter forms part of our lymphatic system and sits wedged between the heart and the sternum. Its prominent job is to support our immune response by producing T-leukocytes.These white blood cells perform two major tasks. Firstly, they distinguish inoffensive body cells from intruding pathogens.

After Heartache + Financial loss, I was blaming myself and got frustrated with life. I had to learn to love myself again after heartache, after suffering loss, I was angry, confused, carrying grief. Holding it all together and still trying to help others heal too. I didn’t embrace the divine feminine, I stopped loving myself. Hoping for more but yet stagnant, paralysed even by the torment of thoughts, crippled to move forward I felt what is the point.

The journey to self love is just that, and I knew in my heart of hearts I had the power to heal so I set to work. The Thymus is responsible for fending of Pathogens and that’s exactly what had happened. Combined with healing my Sacral Chakra (I needed gut healing protocol) my body wasn’t absorbing nutrients, in fact I wasn’t in receiving mode. I also had to work on my Solar Plexus. Full alignment is necessary for healing, we need to come back to our true selves to facilitate.

The thymus is most active during childhood and adolescence, which is when it had supplies the young organism with the full repertoire of T-leukocytes it will need in life. The T-cells are then distributed throughout the lymphatic system, where they await their future use. Towards the end of puberty, the thymus reaches its maximum size and weight.

Typically during adulthood, it pares back its production of T-cells and goes into atrophy. After it stops working, usually around the age of fifty, we have to make do with whatever T-cells are still surviving in our body to combat illness. By the time we reach old age, the thymus gland has virtually disintegrated into the surrounding tissues. But there are many things we can do to keep this important organ active, we must continue to show up to our lives and love it all.

A balanced Heart Chakra is Heaven on Earth. It’s doing what you love, it’s choosing your life and not settling. It’s loving yourself holistically and it’s possible. You are possible!

External stressors such as malnutrition, psychological crises or sudden trauma can precipitate thymic involution, probably through the hormonal turmoil these situations provoke. I happened to have had a very stressful year before conceiving my daughter. I hadn’t been expressing myself, I had removed a coil I had in for several years. I wasn’t get the right nutrition and wasn’t sleeping well. My body was fighting to stay alive and I wasn’t living with an open heart.

Can we thrive by maintaining our Thymus?

The Energetic Thymus

Of course everything is energy and if we look at this organ from an holistic perspective, addressing who we are as mind, body and soul then we can take on board the biological interactions but understand that we must embody who we are fully for healing

The Heart Chakra has been referred as the seat of the soul. The Heart Chakra represents unconditional Divine Love. Unconditional love is free of ego, therefore a healthy higher heart facilitates spiritual growth and deep inner transformation.

Opening our thymus chakra enhances our willingness to forgive and to show compassion. Unlocking it corresponds to flinging open a window for your soul to work through in the material world. Often, people who get in touch with their ascended heart will desire to hand its gifts on to others because, as receptacles of divine love, they also feel it flowing from them like water from a spring.

In fact, the act of giving always originates in the heart. Our language demonstrates we know this intuitively, as phrases such as “I give this to you with all my heart” indicate. My healing has come leaps and bounds with having my second child. Because I have to give my love to her with no conditions and she only knows to receive it. Often we can close off our hearts to receive love because of past pain. We stay stuck in place of suffering from past wounds, we can give too much without filling up our own hearts.

Thus, healing work and other means of giving love are naturally pursued by those with an open ascended heart. Materially, we give with our hands, which are energetically associated with the heart. We use our hands to provide for our loved ones, craft presents for them, feed them, comfort and caress them.

Across different times and cultures, numerous methods of laying on of hands have been devised for healing, and the hand has been considered a symbol of divine protection and blessing. Our hands are our most used tool for spreading the many expressions of love coming through our hearts from the Source. Some say the thymus chakra responds especially well to sound therapy, given its proximity to the sternum, which acts as a sound board and amplifier of acoustic vibrations.


In our everyday lives we can connect to our heart, through sound through music, it reminds us of past love, events, memories and moments that have captured our soul.

Who has not noticed a certain piece of music touch their heart or influence their mood?

Both listening to and making music are cathartic to our emotional state. It awakens dormant feelings from hibernation, helping to process, to externalize and to clear them. Worldwide, medical facilities offer music therapy to make their patients get back in touch with themselves and open up to their surroundings through playful acoustic interaction.


So, for a thriving thymus chakra, listen to music, sing like nobody is hearing, dance like nobody is watching or play a musical instrument.

In Reiki treatments I hold space for healing, I use my life energy to restore depleted energy in my clients and restore vitality to each Chakra. It’s possible to dissolve blockages and become aligned once again with your true self.

The Physio-Energetic link

How do energy healing practices relate to the physical thymus? 

Will any of them preserve it from declining with age? 

Are we clinging and holding onto our youth, or willing to embrace aging as a gift. As I have gotten older I have welcomed the aging process rather than denied it. Often we can be in such conflict with self. We can keep all our organs in good health but practicing mindfulness, meditation, adequate exercise, enough sleep and oh course laugher darlings. It’s good for soul. It is important to remember that humanity´s longing for eternal life on earth is not always constructive, but can deviate into a desperate ego rampage.

Can exercises stop the thymus from aging?

The soul has other values and a broader perception than our incarnated self, so remaining eternally earthbound might not be what it needs or desires. I definitely feel I have learnt so much from my experience here on Earth, if one thing we can realise it’s all very temporary but we are eternal and infinite.

Our biology is constantly taking us closer to source, we will eventually fade away back to dust from which we came. The aging process is doing just that, but this doesn’t mean we have to stop working along the journey. Wear and tear is expected but the things that are built well, with strong foundations will last. This is how the Root Chakra and the Heart Chakra are connected. We get to live and love this life when we are taking care of ourselves, let source figure out the rest.


When we go within to heal ourselves we can accomplish inner peace this is more powerful than any chemical or surgical intervention ever could. Metaphorically, our thymus is teaching us that embracing impermanence is a vital part of growing and progressing through the cycles of our existence.

We grow with change, we must let go of the old and embrace the “new” every version of us is beautiful. The highest service we can render to ourselves is to take responsibility for our health on all levels. We can nourish and protect our physical bodies, we can have awareness of our emotional states, we can be the observer of our thoughts, we can be guided by our intuition.

We can’t live as if we were teenagers into our old age but we can gain wisdom and insight, we can be present and choose joy as a tool to powerfully create.

Heart Chakra Blockages and illnesses 

Congestive Heart Failure, Heart attackMitral valve prolapse , Chest pain , Arteriosclerosis, Peripheral Vascular insufficiency, Asthma, Shortness of breathe. Allergies, Lung Cancer, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Breast Cancer and breast disorders such as mastitis or cysts.Immune system deficiencies including HIV. Circulation problems, tension or pain between the shoulder blades. Shoulders,arms and hand issues. Such as carpal tunnel. Apnea, Thymus issues and anti social behaviour.

Emotional imbalances include issues of the heart; over-loving to the point of suffocation, jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness. Fear of loneliness.When this chakra is balanced we feel joy, gratitude, love and compassion, forgiveness flows freely, trust is gained.

The lesson of this chakra is I Love.


The Adrenals and the Root Chakra

I have experienced Adrenal Fatigue and its not pleasant. Lucky for me I was able to identify and do the necessary work to get back into alignment.

Do you feel like you live with constant anxiety? 

Does your heart race without exercise? 

Does your lower backache? 

Do you wake several times each night? 

Do you urinate frequently? 

Do you have abdominal weight? 

Do you crave salt and sugar? 

Are you constantly tired? 


Do you often feel like your emotions are out of balance? 

These are the classic symptoms of an adrenal imbalance. Your adrenals are two tiny glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They help to regulate sodium and potassium, they assist you in feeling energized in the morning and ready for bed in the evening. They contribute to blood sugar regulation, fluid retention, metabolism and your immune system.

It can be difficult to shut off your brain when you are in experiencing adrenal fatigue.When your adrenal glands are imbalanced your stress will seem inordinately high, and colds, infections and flus can occur more often.

An adrenal gland imbalance is unfortunately very common. I have experienced many clients who are dealing with some level of adrenal fatigue where their cortisol (the hormone that the adrenal glands puts out) is irregular and is causing ebbs and flows in their energy level. 


The Adrenal Gland

The Adrenal Gland

There are many things that can cause inflammation in the body, food allergy’s, bacteria, heavy metals, parasites, or an injury. But also let’s not overlook stress, long and extensive periods of stress put pressure on the adrenals.

Detoxification may be appropriate to heal this, or there may be another cause, like a deficiency. I know that our bodies aren’t able to grow and function if we under constant stress, our bodies aren’t able to assimilate food which leads to nutritional deficiencies.

There are several vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can cause the adrenals to function sub optimally. These are Vitamin C, B, D, E as well as low Potassium and Sodium and Magnesium. Often times people will supplement with herbs for the adrenals such as Licorice, Ashwaganda, Ginseng, Rhodiola and Maca-to name a few.

It is also very important to address issues with the digestive system when working with the adrenal glands, as often times adrenal issues can originate from this area of the body.

Supplementing with probiotics, slippery elm, colostrum, aloe and digestive enzymes can also be helpful. My favourite probiotics are by bio kult and you can find very easily online. I use amazon

I am a firm believer in supplementing with products that are appropriate for your body.


Chakras are energy centers located throughout the body. They control our physical and emotional health. Your Root Chakra is your first chakra and it is located at the base of the spine. From an energy perspective, it regulates feelings of balance, security, safety, financial stability, and emotions related to fear, and change. When the Root is imbalanced life feels more stressful, and less grounded, change is feared and money seems scarce. People who are dealing with an imbalance in this area may also feel like a victim. From a physical point of view, the Root controls the adrenal glands, kidney and the bladder. Eating disorders may also be a sign of a Root Chakra imbalance.


  • Find ways to ground yourself:

  • Walk barefoot in the grass or on the sand.

  • Listen to calming music. I listen to Root Chakra music before I go to sleep.

  • Meditate-maybe not even in the “traditional way” but adopt an activity that forces you to be present-even coloring can provide this! Anything that can keep you more in the now!

  • Wear the color red as this is the color that strengthens this chakra.

  • Eat grounding foods from the earth like potatoes, parsnips and carrots as well as red foods like beets, berries and protein based meats.

  • Journal your feelings and find a healthy outlet for them.

  • You can also use crystals as part of your healing protocol. The stones that correspond to this chakra are Jasper, Garnet, Black Tourmaline and Bloodstone.

    All the Love


The Throat Chakra and the Thyroid

This is the most commonly blocked chakra out of all the Chakras. When observing and working with clients I notice immediately where they are out of balance when the show the following symptoms;

• Lacking creativity

• Afraid to express themselves

• Fatigued

• Depressed

The good news is awareness of the “block” resolves and balances this chakra almost immediately. Ways to support are to express yourself fully. Always be really clear with communication and not to suppress emotions. Previous trauma from childhood can also leave this blocked. It might take a few sessions to really get it balanced


Ways to recognise 

• Are you spaced out?

• Weary and teary?

• Get cold quickly?

• Is your hair thinning?

Of course there are many reasons why you could feel this way but checking your thyroid is essential but standard tests can overlook this blockage. Many women are suffering from thyroid issues and it’s suppression in many ways. Living your truth as a woman comes with many challenges but we must always feel like its safe to live our truths. I too have experienced a blocked Throat Chakra on many occasions. The important thing is these things can be corrected and I am here to help.

The thyroid gland is located in the throat, around the larynx and trachea, and typically is not visible from the outside. As the largest organ in the endocrine (hormone-secreting) system, it plays a central role in how efficiently you burn energy (calories) which means it is important for metabolism and weight management. Looking at the whole body, it plays a role in most every function of the body.

The thyroid produces the hormones T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine). It produces T4 in much greater abundance than T3, but this is the inactive form and less bioavailable. Our body converts T4 into the biologically available T3 but the process is complex and delicate. While hypothyroidism is associated with low T4 and T3 levels, T3 - the active hormone that we really use and need – is the one that usually dips the lowest. The thyroid also secretes Calcitonin which regulates calcium levels and bone metabolism.


1) A spike in autoimmune-related thyroid disorders

There’s general age-related sluggish thyroid, but most cases of hypothyroidism are rooted in immune dysfunction (namely Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease). In these cases, the immune system produces antibodies that bind to healthy thyroid cells.

• Hashimoto’s disease - The inflammation associated with Hashimoto’s is now the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the UK

In those with Hashimoto’s, antibodies attack and destroy the thyroid cells, reducing T3 and T4 output.Symptoms of Hashimoto’s may include: fatigue, weight gain (weight loss can occur as well), constipation, depression, thinning hair, feeling cold and a heavy or irregular menstrual cycle

• Graves’ disease - In the case of Graves’ disease, the antibodies bind to and overstimulate the cells increasing T3 and T4 output. This also throws the body off balance.Symptoms of Graves’ may include: insomnia, goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), frequently warm/hot, night sweats, anxiety, frequent bowel movements, weight loss and changes in menstrual cycle

2) Thyroid problems in the younger population

In the past, thyroid issues were known to arise when people hit their 40s-50s. Now many in the younger generation diagnosed as early as their 20s (and even in teenage and childhood years). This is correlated with the higher rate of autoimmune disorders we see today.

3) Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is the 9th most common type of cancer, with the number of new cases increasing by approximately 5.5% each year over the last 10 years. Still, it has a very high survival rate - almost 98%.

Risk factors include family history of thyroid cancer or goiter, and radiation exposure. It’s wise to wear a protective vest when receiving routine x-rays.


Some people need thyroid medicine, but in many cases I have been able to reduce or even eliminate the need for meds with dietary and supplement intervention. I provide a customised approach to dealing with the Throat Chakra and it’s associated dis-ease.

Reiki, in depth intuitive counselling, the right supplements and a diet that supports the thyroid and reduces inflammation in the gut.

1) Target gut health. 

70% of the immune system is in the gut So this is the first place we go when dealing with autoimmune-related thyroid problems.Here are some steps you can take to restoring gut health and stabilizing an overactive and confused immune system:

Remove inflammatory foods; such as sugar and other sweeteners, gluten and dairy. Research shows that gluten in particular is strongly linked to Hashimoto’s and Graves’.

• Keep your candida in check.

Try a 14-day detoxifying cleanse.

•. Know your food sensitivities. 

If your body is reacting to a certain food and you continue to eat it, it will wreak havoc on your immune system. Gluten, dairy, corn and soy are some of the most common food sensitivities, but the list of potential culprits is long and everyone is different. Take an EAV test or try an elimination diet to determine what you are reacting to. Then avoid those foods altogether or eat according to a rotation-diet plan

2) Follow a gut-healing protocol.

Incorporate bone broths and probiotic-rich foods (such as kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut) - critical for healing an inflamed, leaky gut and calming an overactive immune system. If you are not used to foods rich in healthy bacteria, start slowly.

3) Eat Thyroid-Supportive Foods. To improve thyroid function, eat foods from a diet high in selenium, iron, iodine and magnesium as well as a b-complex.

Here are some foods to consider including in your diet:

Selenium-rich foods

• Brazil nuts

• Oysters

• Mushrooms

• Beans

• Sunflower seeds

• Fish

( especially orange roughy, light canned tuna, cod)

Iron-rich foods

• Nuts & seeds

• Red meat (lamb, beef, goat)

• Quinoa

• Dried fruits

(especially turkish apricots)

Iodine-rich foods

• Sea vegetables (a super-dose of iodine. discontinue if there is an adverse reaction)

• Potatoes (organic, skin-on)

• Spirulina

• Shrimp

• Turkey

• Dried prunes

• Iodized salt, or for a natural alternative - pink himalayan salt

Magnesium-rich foods

• Avocados

• Nuts & Seeds

• Bananas

• Dark Chocolate

(extreme dark chocolate cravings often indicate a deficiency in magnesium)


The throat chakra focuses on intentional listening and mindful communication. In this section of my Aligned and Divine™️ program, you’re introduced to the healing activities and principles associated with spiritual growth and finding your own voice.

Learn how to better communicate your needs as well as how to become a more effective listener. 

This section is all about speaking your truth.

Keep an eye on this little butterfly-shaped gland that regulates so many functions in your body. With healthy-gut habits in place and a diet rich in thyroid-supporting foods, you will go a long way toward preventing and even reversing thyroid disease. And mindful practices will keep the chakra center open!

Do you wonder if you have thyroid issues? 

You deserve to feel whole and your body knows how to heal

All the love


What are the Chakras?

The Chakra is a Vortex

The Chakras draw our life experiences into vortices and these experiences can sometimes become stuck in these Chakras, blocking them. Reiki energy can work directly on these energy blocks clearing them and enabling the Chakra to spin freely again. The etheric body absorbs level of Energy from the environment and transduces this Energy through the Chakras into the physical body via the Endocrine glands. The Endocrine system controls the hormone levels of the body which effect the mood, emotion, growth and reproduction. If therefore, the Chakras are out of balance this will affect the endocrine system and vice versa.

The Chakra System

The Chakra System

The Endocrine system of a human 

Reiki is a form of energy: electromagnetic energy. Reiki is everywhere in the universe. Reiki is like a radio frequency and attuning to Reiki tunes us into the vibrational frequency of Reiki. Reiki has the power to transform our lives. I am excited to share Reiki with you and to take your lives in a positive and more purposeful direction. We are all born to live this life with abundance, not struggle.Over the years there have been many new discoveries about the Chakras.

There are 7 major chakras but also there are lower and higher Chakras.

The 7 major Chakras are:

Root Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Heart Chakra

Throat Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Crown Chakra

Understanding the Chakra system will help you move through life with better understanding of who you are and who you are and what you are here to do.