Matters of the Heart

When most people start studying the mind-body-spirit connection, they realize that the heart helps healing. Unconditional compassion, pure love: intuitively, we know that these vibrations can transform dis-ease into wholeness and bliss.

We also sense that a “broken heart” can contribute to illness, and that extreme anger can cause a heart attack. Having studied and practiced Reiki and the Chakra system for several years. I’ve found even more activity and potential  in the heart chakra than anywhere else.

We could continue to study the Heart Chakra the potential is never ending and it’s fascinating how this Chakra can literally give us Heaven on Earth. It’s constantly expanding and we are learning more and more about Heart Coherence everyday. 

Major Systems of the Heart Chakra:

Circulatory System

Of course when we think of the Heart Chakra we expect it to cover the Heart. This is pretty much clear as day, heart disease, heart attack’s, high cholesterol, heart murmurs, it kind of makes sense right? 

But the circulatory system also includes the blood itself, which means things like anemia and leukemia. Also the flow of blood, varicose veins which my mother suffers from which makes total sense, not once in my life have I seen this woman full of joy, compassion and excited for life. If you experience cold hands and feet, reynaud’s syndrome or high/low blood pressure. 

These conditions can also match up with other Chakras, as they are all connected and for wholeness I recommend balancing them all and to have an understanding of how your body can talk to you. 

Consider a heart murmur, what is your Heart trying to say? 

What desires does it want? 

What is needing to express or let go of? 

What does it want to feel? 

Why does it feel compelled to murmur instead of thumping joyfully to the universe? 

A heart murmur usually sounds like an extra beat or “turbulence” in the blood flow. 

How do this heart’s natural desires not fit into the normal beat of life?

What do you long to fulfil in life

What are your hopes and dreams?

Science can even recognise that they are huge connections to emotions and stress and their connections to heart attacks. But these connections exist on all levels and in all disorders. With compassionate attention, the body’s secrets can be unlocked, revealing insights and opportunities for healing on all levels.

Respiratory System

Housed in the chest, the lungs make up a huge part of the heart chakra. Hugely connected to conditions such as pneumonia, bronchitis, the flu or lung cancer. Usually these conditions can appear from a major period of grief. Something I have experienced in my own life, relating to a break up and a financial loss all at the same time, I wasn’t expressing my loss or processing my grief very well. Partly ashamed because I felt such a failure, I stopped loving myself and I didn’t feel worthy. 

Grief resides in the lungs, and when we don’t fully release our grief, our lungs start shedding tears for us. Excess phlegm and mucus are the tears of the lungs. Emphysema and asthma often occur when people cannot articulate their grief or when the cause for grief seems too little to justify its full expression. 

Grief can literally suffocate you until something or someone intervenes. Lung cancer tends to come from extreme grief combined with anger/frustration and a sense of utter depletion from imbalanced giving. I definitely know that too well because when I first started my practice I wanted to help everyone and undercharged for my services, again it all boils down to worthiness. 

I have heard of lung cancer in a number of long-term caregivers, even (especially) if they felt very close to the one who needed care. Rather than directing the anger at the spouse or child, the anger starts to bubble up at the universe at large: how can a loving God allow such suffering? Why, after all this caregiving, all this love, is their loved one still dying? 

When your soul gets weary you weaken the immune system, grief and anger begin to mutate and sometimes into cancer cells.

Immune System

Each Chakra is connected to a gland as part of the Endocrine system. The Thymus gland, located under the top of the breast bone, is part of the heart chakra. In children, the thymus gland plays an important role in developing the immune system. In adults, tapping on the thymus gland can “remind” the body to stand strong in the face of infection. 

All lymph nodes begin with seeding from the thymus gland, which means the entire lymphatic system begins in the heart chakra. Unlike the circulatory system, the lymph system does not have a pump. It needs regular exercise and/or massage in order to move things around and clean house. By extension, issues with the lymphatic system require self-care, self-love and attention. Massaging my breasts really helped me with my own healing journey and has many health benefits. 

Common immune system/heart chakra issues 

Allergies, auto-immune disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer (especially breast and lung cancer), influenza, AIDS/HIV, Lyme Disease, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr, Swine Flu, all respiratory illnesses and now Coronavirus.

We are evolving into the Heart Chakra in a major way. Most of our common illness reside in the Heart Chakra so now we must live with Heart Coherence, being open to receive what life has to offer, be compassionate, loving, kind and practicing gratitude.

Other common diseases such as Lyme and chronic fatigue are connected to Root Chakra but also the Heart, it’s not uncommon that people who survive go on to become healers themselves. I have seen numerous occasions with people who have open hearts have immune issues, including myself of course.

One solution that really works is allowing yourself to feel completely at one, to balance out the ebb and flow of life. If we are giving too much love out without receiving any kind of equivalent, this can be of course the love we give to ourselves or from others. We don’t want to limit ourselves from giving but be aware of how we are receiving or where we can be more open to receive. 

I looked deeply into what I had created with my own Heart issues. Because of my new found “spiritual awakening “ suddenly became quite critical and judging of people. This can become common, we become entitled, superior, self righteous and I can tell you that no good can come from this, for you or anyone else in your life.

We are all Divine, stopping the judgement of yourself and others will allow you to connect to people and experience oneness, it allows you to really experience what life has to offer you. We can often want to manifest a better life, but hating on others we only block our abundance.

I have experienced past life regression , and in all my lives I practiced some form of healing, that is the expression of my soul and I chose to continue to be this person in every life. 

If you experience allergies this can be connected to unresolved past life issues. It could be that you feel attacked by life, you can write a journal to express your feelings and make conscious decisions everyday to live a new story. 

The Breasts

Breasts are majorly connected to the Heart Chakra especially for women. But it’s not uncommon for men to develop breast cancer so we need to look at where we can nuture, mother and embrace the feminine principle of life. It’s definitely about balance. Breast cancer happens when sluggish lymph and toxins stagnate in the breasts. There are so many other factors to consider and when working with clients we address things such as  diet, exercise, how they process their emotions but also how they feel about their bodies, I often see patients who express how much they don’t love their bodies, when we are in conflict with ourselves we create the dis-ease. 

The Heart Chakra is the bridge between our lower Chakra’s and upper Chakras and picks up energy imbalances from the gut and the brain. 

Emotional disorders such as depression, phobias, grief, fear, sorrow and anxiety: all have at least one foot in the heart chakra. Cleaning up diet can help massively but nothing quite like changing your state of consciousness, I have seen greater changes with clients who commit to affirmations rather than diet. I have seen people on fully vegan diets still get cancer. So we must also look at the whole person in the entirety of their life. 

Meditation works wonders for people wanting to reach higher altered states of consciousness, those who feel grateful for being alive, who show kindness, forgiveness and compassion have the best results. Stress plays a huge role in most modern day diseases, so learn how to manage and if you are struggling to radiate joy, dig deep try and remember what used to light up your life. 

Through pain we become wiser, I know what it’s like to feel pain, but the minute I decided not to be a victim anymore, everything changed for me. This too is possible for you.

Practical steps for now

Spend some time each day connecting with your heart. I recommend seeing a Reiki practitioner who can help you balance the energy in your heart chakra. I found that when I really dared to show up to love life and do what I love, this helped my healing 

If you have a health issue, be still and ask your heart what it wants to share with you and the world. I sat with my grief long enough to realise, it was anger and frustration and not necessarily with the world although I did hold resent there it was more of “ How stupid can you be Rebecca, I was directing my anger inward, it was this imbalance of self and non self. I also seeked unhealthy ways to make me feel good, drugs, social media, sexual encounters. I do believe that having both my children were for me to feel unconditional love but out of ego, nevertheless I wouldn’t change them for the world, even if being a mum and a single mum is one of the greatest challenges in life. 

Do not be afraid of life, beyond the story of struggle is uncomprehendable joy, peace, bliss and freedom. As a culture, we have nearly lost touch with the language of the heart, but our hearts are longing for us to return to Love.

As Helen Keller once said. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.”

All the Love
