You are afraid to use your voice to speak up/out and say what you want or feel. You don’t express your emotions.
You go along with others so you don’t upset anyone.
You get sore throats often and feel like your throat is blocked.
You are comfortable speaking your truth.
You experience others listening to you.
You feel that you are heard and honored for your truth.
When your Throat Chakra is blocked, you will find it difficult to express yourself. You will shrink to fit in, instead of being yourself, you seek approval over authenticity. Read through some of the following statements, it’s important to recognise what resonates with, gaining awareness leads to transformation.
I don’t feel like I have authority over my world
I am afraid that I don’t have enough power
I am not speaking up
I allow others to speak for me
I am angry when I can’t find the words to express myself
Other people dominate me verbally
I feel afraid but not sure why
Sometimes I feel like it’s pointless to speak
I don’t feel heard
I feel like I often have communication problems
I am afraid of being misunderstood
I am afraid to say no
I fear speaking honestly
I shut off from things I don’t want to hear
I am arguing or afraid to argue
I feel like conflict surrounds me
I am always in debates
I often shut down
I can’t listen to my inner voice, I am easily influenced by outside forces
I feel intense frustration
I get anger caught in my throat
I hold back on my energy
I am filled with irritation
I give away my power to keep the peace
I have so many unexpressed feelings
I have so many unexpressed feelings
I am choking my words
Something is blocking my voice
My reality is hard to swallow
I feel shame and guilt
I recreate dysfunctional communication in my relationships
If I express myself, other’s won’t accept it
I am out of balance
I have no will
I have no center
I don’t know my truth I can’t speak my voice
I don’t take any risks
I keep going back into my past
I am holding back my voice
I experience anxiety attacks
Vishuddha – Etheric Body – Vocal System
The Throat chakra is the gatekeeper between the Heart and Third Eye Chakras
It holds both Love and wisdom as well as stories from this lifetime and the past. Our words create energy in the form of frequency, intention and tone.
It is important to use words wisely for every word creates a vibration that ripples throughout the universe. The energy of breath is the primordial essence of creation. The Throat Chakra is the place of communication, it holds the roots of our collective stories within the psyche. Here we can heal our stories by knowing and speaking our truth with Love.
Throat Chakra – Etheric Body
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha (especially pure)
Color: Blue
Bija Mantra: HAM
Body System: Throat – Vocal System
Goals: Clear communication, creativity, resonance, truth
Practice: Be true to your word, and see how your words or your silence affects you and the world around you.
Impacts: Lying, being lied too, having to hold too many family secrets. Not being able to tell the truth without fear.
Imbalance: Shyness, silence, lying, sore throats, stiff neck. Loss of voice, speaking untruths or fear of speaking the truth. Not speaking from the heart.
Archetype: Roots of Tree
Direction: Below.
Perceptual State: Under/Lower World,
Subconscious: Past
Plant Ally: Elderberry for soothing.
Essential Oils: Chamomile, Gardenia, Bergamot, Fir.
Foods: Fruits, especially juicy fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, apples, pears, cherries, mangos, kiwi, peaches, melons.
Stones & Crystals: Amazonite, Celestite, Sodalite, Angelite, Aquamarine, Blue Calcite, Turquoise, Azurite, Chrysocolla, Blue Fluorite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Kyanite, Lapis.
Sefirot/Kabbalah: Geburah – Strength, Chesed – Kindness
Sacred Geometry: Fruit of Life
Platonic Solid: Octahedron
Element: Air
Sacred Belief: Soul Stories. Judaism and Kabbalah.
Consciousness: Collective Unconscious.
Message: Are we speaking truthfully, do we know our truth? The Throat Chakra will help us speak our truth from a place of love, compassion and peaceful power.
“Every spoken word arouses our self-will.”
Johanne Wolfgang von Goethe