You feel disconnected from your intuition, or don’t feel like you have any.
You feel lost when it comes to your spiritual purpose and path in life.
You get headaches and feel tension in your brow area often.
Your intuition is your constant guide that you trust.
You have a strong sense of your own inner truth and listen to and follow it as it guides you on your life path.
You act on confidence based on your intuition.
When your Third Eye Chakra is closed we often tell stories that continue to keep us stuck and limited, opening your Third Eye will take you closer to your true destiny:
I am tricked by illusions
I feel empty and disconnected from spiritual truths
I am afraid of my own fear
I am plagued by negative thoughts
I can’t trust my intuition
I can’t hear my own inner voice
I am confused
My intuitive sight is being blocked
I am full of stress and anxiety
My family beliefs and patterns keep me stuck
I am unable to live in the now
I can’t live my own truth
I feel spaced out
I am forgetful
My inner vision is blocked
I am susceptible to outside influences
I feel disconnected from my core energy
My outer vision is blocked I am unable to visualize
I have a lack of discernment
I am plagued by disbelief
I am confused about my life purpose
I feel shut off from insight
I am disconnected from the light
I am not worth it
I am a bother
I doubt myself
I let everyone downI can’t trust myself
I’ll do what you want me to do
I am shifting my truth
I feel non-existent
I am ignoring my truth / loss of sight / loss of clarity / shut off from insight / confusion about my path / confusion about choices / blocked potential
I lack faith
I am easily distracted
I look outside myself for truth
I look outside myself for answers
I am more willing to listen to others
I am not hearing my own voice
I am too busy doing
I have no time to go within
There is no time to sit quietly I am focused outward
Ajna – Conscious Body – Sensory System
Our third eye intuits information relayed from the prefrontal neocortex at the front of our brain to the pineal gland at the base of our brain.
This information is then felt and interpreted in our heart. As we trust our heart’s ability to discern knowledge, we increase our intuitive sense of inner knowing and wisdom.
Knowledge is the process of gathering information; how we perceive this knowledge is wisdom. By merging the logical self with intuitive soul, we can see with the singular eye of the heart. Right knowing, is our ability to see with our hearts instead of our eyes. As we trust our senses we dream our world into being.
Third Eye Chakra – Conscious Body
Sanskrit Name: Ajna (command/spiritual guidance)
Color: Violet
Bija Mantra: SHAM
Body System: Middle of Forehead – Sensory System.
Goals: Trust your intuition and inner knowing.
Practice: Right Knowing. Dream your world into being.
Impacts: Chaos. Over Stimulation. Excess use of electronics.
Imbalance: Headaches, nightmares, feeling stuck in your head. Insomnia, over thinking.
Not trusting intuition or inner knowing.
Closed to new ideas or ways of thinking.
Archetype: Trunk of Tree.
Direction: Center, Within
Perceptual State: Middle World, Conscious, Present.
Plant Ally: Lavender for inspiration
Essential Oils: Peppermint, Rosemary, Frankincense,Lavender, Eucalyptus
Stones & Crystals: Iolite, Amethyst, Sugilite, Charoite, Purple Fluorite, Tanzanite.
Sefirot/Kabbalah: Binah – Intuition
Chokmah – Wisdom.
Sacred Geometry: Knowledge of Life, Metatron’s Cube.
Platonic Solid: Dodecahedron.
Element: Ether.
Sacred Belief: Inner knowing. Christianity and Gnosis
Consciousness: Collective Conscious.
Message: Let go of the monkey mind that is causing us to feel scattered or stuck. Slow down and breathe. Quiet our mind and connect with our heart. From this place, we will begin to see what is truly within us.Open our third eye by seeing with our heart instead of our eyes. This will help us understand the wisdom of our soul.The answers we seek are already within us.
“We cannot teach people anything, we can only help them discover it within themselves.” – Galileo