This is our first chakra I connection to the Earth and the way we exist here on Earth.

When our Root Chakra is blocked it manifests as physical disease, our nervous system doesn’t function so well and we get out of alignment pretty quickly. Struggling with our ability to feel safe and secure.

We don’t fully show up as the powerful creators that we are. We become easily frustrated with life and life becomes a struggle.

Energy healers deal with clearing energy blockages and old patterns that are formed over time. As humans we tend to live more out of habit rather than intent.

When we live more from a space of intent, this means we are more connected to who we are and why we are here and life just starts to flow more easily. You are going to see and feel the shift as we work through clearing this Chakra.

We are NATURE!

Today I want you to spend at least 30 mins in a nature. Look around at the trees , go and find a River and give thanks to the Earth for this day and fulfilling your needs.

When you connect to the Earth you are connecting back to a part of yourself.

Modern day living and advanced technology has got us caught up in a virtual world.

We have the essence of who we are.

Read the following statements and see what resonates

  • I am not supposed to be here

  • I can never seem to get ahead

  • I can never get well, I am always sick

  • I must separate myself from others

  • I am numbing out

  • I am shutting down

  • I end relationships to avoid being deserted

  • I am undeserving

  • I am fat

  • I am ugly

  • I am short

  • My body is not right Even when I am thin, I am fat

  • Everyone in my family has health and weight problems

  • I am always living hand to mouth

  • There is never enough money I must live paycheck to paycheck

  • Others are threatened by my power

  • Other people’s power is a threat to me

  • I am disempowered

  • I am stuck in repressed sexuality

  • I am acting out sexually

  • I feel guilty if I put myself first

  • I am a victim

  • I feel betrayed

  • My family is not good enough

  • I feel judged by my family

  • I am not chosen

  • I am not wanted

  • Life is too hard for me

  • I am not worthy

Your future has many possibilities.

Feel yourself in this space for a few minutes and concentrate on breathing.

As you are unwinding all the negative energy stored in your first Chakra.

Start repeating the following affirmations






LOVE is a joy!

I AM having fun in this life

I have everything I need to support me in this life

I AM here in this space and it's a joy. 

I AM now choosing to be here and experiencing life to its fullest.

LIFE is a pleasure and life is joyful.

I stand firm that it's my God my given birthright to receive abundance and joy in this life.

I AM now declaring that my life is in my hands

I shall go forth without any fear.

I shall only walk in Love.

I am guided and inspired

I am worth it

I am enough

I am chosen

I count

I am free to create differently than my family

I am Royalty

I am God's gift to this world

I am secure

I am Rich in all areas of my Life

I am Life flows gracefully and easily for me

I am healthy

I am wealthy

I am involved and powerful

I am connected

I am grounded in truth

We are all safe to be powerful

I am connected

I am grounded in truth

We are all safe to be powerful

I am connected

I am grounded in truth

I am connected to God

I am receiving personal empowerment

I start and complete things easily

I am free of DNA and family patterns that have kept me stuck

I am my true identity

I contribute to a united, peaceful family

Life loves me and I love being here

I am safe in relationships

I am creating healthy relationships

I am wanted

I am chosen

I am receiving my good now

I am noticed for my good now

I am welcome here

I am experiencing heaven within me

I am experiencing a positive connection to GOD

I am anchored into the light.

You have the right to be here on this physical plane because you were born, the earth is here to support you. Be confident with money and manage it well. 

A mans sexual organs are located primarily in the Root chakra.

A woman’s primarily in the second chakra, so this is why women’s sexual energy is associated with emotions.

Sanskrit Name:
Muladhara. (Mula – root, adhara – base

Bija Mantra: LAM

Colour: Red

Opposite: Blue

Element: Earth

Sense: Smell

Note: C

Animal Totem: Snake

Position: Base of spine

Endocrine Glands:The Gonads/ Adrenal

A mans sexual organs are located primarily in the Root chakra. A woman’s primarily in the second chakra, so this is why women’s sexual energy is associated with emotions.

Essential Oils: Vetiver,Cedarwood, Myrrh,Frankincense,Patchouli, Benzoin, Sandlewood.

Stones and Crystals: Iron, Basalt, Granite, Petrified Wood, Ruby, Garnet, Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Hematite 

Goals: To feel grounded, safe, loved & nourished. Survival & trust.

Practice: Non-judgment, non-attachment, non-suffering. 

Walk with beauty and grace. 

Ground and love yourself.

Impacts: Abandonment, abuse, neglect, adoption, loss.

Imbalance: Obesity, hemorrhoids, sciatica, constipation and musculoskeletal disorders. Night terrors, panic attacks, inability to trust or feel safe.

Archetype: Serpent

Direction: South

Perceptual State: Physical World

Plant Ally: Sage for cleansing and grounding

Consciousness: Intention of Self

Message: Spend more time in nature feeling grounded and connected to the earth

Create a ceremonial fire pit or sacred garden where one can set intentions and meditate

Deepen our relationship with the earth and feel it within our soul. 

Trust that we are supported by the earth regardless of the situation